Thirty Five

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Thirty Five
(n.) a healthy state of mind,
characterized by self-control,
moderation, and a deep awareness
of one's true self, resulting in
true happiness

Daehyun approached Jimin as everyone was leaving the station. "Can we talk?"

"Mom I'll be right there in a second!" He called to her. She nodded and kept walking towards the car. "What is it, Daehyun?"

"This is probably the last time we'll see each other for a while." Daehyun told him once the others were far enough away.

"I know," Jimin replied. "I think it's better that way."

"Listen," Daehyun rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "I know this whole relationship kinda fell through. I'll admit i didn't have your best interest in mind. I was immature, greedy and materialistic. I get that now."

"I'm glad. Because staying that way will hurt your future relationships."

Daehyun sighed and nodded. Then he took a step closer and leaned in.

"Listen," He said slowly. "I don't like that Yoongi prick. Never really have, and I definitely can't now that you both are together. But I don't want to hear about him being disloyal or rude or whatever the hell he might be. Keep him in check. He's had a rough go of things too. More so than you. Don't make him wait forever."

"I won't, I want to be with him."

"Good. He wants to be with you too."

"Jimin!" Taehyung called him as he clambered into the backseat of Mrs. Park's car. "Hurry up! Your mom said she'll buy us icecream!"

"Tch." Daehyun chuckled slightly. "You're still just a kid at heart. I really wonder why I bothered with you now."

"Fix your life please." Jimin said softly as he turned to go. "I heard some things about you from Namjoon. I don't want you heading to a place you can't return from."

"Funny, Yoongi told me the same thing. Somehow you phrased it better." Daehyun gave him a light but awkward pat on the shoulder as he walked past. "See you someday."

Jimin watched as he crossed the street and went his way down the parallel sidewalk. A car crossed Jimin's vision just then and by the time it'd passed by, Daehyun was gone. A strange sense of deja vu crossed Jimin, one that took him back to the train station, that cold winter day. The day he had begged Daehyun to stay like a fool. His broken heart. The darkness he'd trudged home too. How his mind had ensnared him with guilt and self pity. However this time Jimin felt relieved. This was closure.

He turned and ran over to the car.

As he buckled himself into the passenger seat, his mom turned to him. "You don't want to invite your friends Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi?"

"Meh." Jimin replied. He typed in a message for Yoongi and turned off his phone.

"Why not?" Taehyung pressed.

"Let's just go to the place." Jimin said, smiling to himself.


"Yum~" Taehyung was practically drunk as he turned away from the counter, holding his three scoops of chocolate icecream on a cone like some prized trophy. "This place is the best."

"Maybe a little more gratitude would be nice, seeing as I payed triple would I normally do!" Mrs. Park scolded him.

Taehyung blinked.

"Sorry..." He said with a sheepish grin. "Thanks for the icecream Mrs. Park."

"Make sure you eat that all before you go home, boy. I don't want your mom giving me an earful about me feeding her son unhealthy snacks before dinner."

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