Thirty One

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Thirty One
(n.) The inevitable discovery of
what we would rather not know

[trigger warning:
reference to Chapter 26]

Jimin was done with his last exam. He sat back- a huge yawn engulfing him, and stared out the window, admiring the layout of the clouds. His classroom was positioned at an angle that showed part of the front of school, where the lawn and stone paths were, and also where the parking lot was. Jimin happened to glance down, and saw a familiar figure with carefully straightened brown hair walking along the path from the parking lot towards the front of school.



The bell rang and all thoughts of freedom of exams disappeared, replaced by confusion.

Why is Namjoon here? He was in Daehyun's friend group, I remember. We spoke often. Maybe we could even be considered friends... But he graduated, why is he here?

Jimin found himself fast walking towards the front of school, his backpack, hastily slung over one shoulder, slapping against his side. When he got to front, he saw Namjoon sitting on one of the stone benches, picking at the loose threads on the sleeves of his jacket.

"Namjoon?" Jimin called, startling the older.

Namjoon looked over and his troubled gaze seemed to relax slightly upon seeing Jimin. "Hey, Jimin."

"Namjoon... hey." Jimin gave an awkward greeting nod as the other boy stood up, giving him a nod. "What are you doing here?"

"I'll skip the formalities and get right to the point," Namjoon said, stress etched across his face. "Your friend, er, yeah... Yoongi. He's—"

"Yoongi?" Jimin's attention peaked. "How do you know him?"

"Well I met him through Hoseok. Hoseok's a good friend of Seokjin's."

"Hoseok!" Jimin remembered the tall cheery fellow he'd met when Yoongi was hungover. "He knows Jin?"

"Yes," Namjoon reached out and grabbed Jimin's arm, pulling him roughly with him as he began to walk towards the parking lot. "We've got to go. I'll tell you what's happening on the way there."


Jimin's heart was pounding and his anxiety was going haywire as he and Namjoon ran up the sidewalk to the police station.

"Yoongi has been arrested?!" Jimin cried in shock as Namjoon backed out of his parking space, nearly mowing over a student on her bike.

"Yes..." Namjoon's expression was anxious. "The other day, Hoseok, Yoongi, Daehyun, and I all met at a restaurant."

"Wait, hold." Jimin's nerves skyrocketed. "You said Daehyun?"

"Yeah. I thought I'd invite Daehyun when Hoseok invited me to help Yoongi."

"Help Yoongi?" Jimin was lost. "Help Yoongi with what?"

"With you. Before Hoseok left on his business assignment, he'd promised to help Yoongi and you get together. I minor in anthropology, and I like giving advice. He thought it best to have me help."

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