Chapter 2: The God of destruction

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Beerus P.O.V.

I've been alseep for 39 years. Which part of it was my mistake. I didn't feel like waking up to the sounds of my exploding alarm clocks so I tried to ignore them. Then thats when my attendent/Mentor Whis walked in.

"Lord Beerus. Its been 39 years. Time to wake up" BOOM

"Ok Whis...I'm up" Despite what I said, I was planning to go back to sleep. Thank goodness I didn't otherwise I would be too late to find him

"I just don't want you to oversleep another 15 years and wake up groggy like the last time.  After all it WAS you who set the clock at this time. But if you need some motivation, I'd be happy to sing a song for you" *Said Whis*

Whis is a bit of a loud singer. He had a microphone out of nowhere and started to sing very loudly.

"I SAID I'M UP!!! Aww but its so cozy" I then slowly fell and walk off my bed. I put it high up in a room full of alarm clocks and a giant cobra statue.

*Yawns then licks paw* "In order for me to get a goodnights rest I need at least 50 years. 39 is nothing more than a cat nap" *I said*

"Once again. You DID set the clocks to this time. By the way, why did you set it at this time anyways?" *Asked Whis*

"There is something I need to check. For myself" I was trying to clean myself a bit.

"Well for whatever reason I already set a bath for you. Hurry before it gets cold...NOW!"

"I don't want to. You know I hate baths" *scratches behind ears*

"You need it my lord. You're dirty from the explosions of the alarm clocks and for 39 years you probably have mold behind your ears"

*looks away* "And what if I say no?"

"Beerus the destroyer is powerful but he sure does know how to stink up a room. Soon they'll probably call you the destroyer of noses. Also you do know that you always go into heat every year. You probably climaxed on yourself and on the sheets as well"

"You know Whis, you nagging against me just makes me want to go back to sleep. Maybe I should destroy you instead" *Evil smirk*

"Ohohohoho. What a funny joke my lord. Anyways I am serious about the bath. I recommend that you go now." *starts walking away* oh and I lost track of your heat day. So please don't ask me to help you out again. That was a one time thing and thats it"

"No need for you to say that. I already know you won't."

Few minutes later

"How is the water my lord?"

"Its rather relaxing Whis. Very wonderful indeed."

"I'm glad you like it"

"So. Where are the surviving Saiyans now?"

*checks in his staff* "Hmmm. It turns out that the Saiyans survived Frieza's super nova attack. Only a few Saiyans are inhabited in a planet very far from here. Known as earth."

"Earth huh? I think I remember that planet. Isn't that the planet where those hideous dinosaurs were boring so I exterminated them all?"

"Mmhmm indeed. However there is a Saiyan known as son Goku and apparently he defeated Frieza on planet Namek"



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"Oh my. The water is not that deep my lord"

 The water is not that deep my lord"

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I then covered myself in the water. I was blushing madly then normal

"So were saying about the Saiyan?"

"Yes indeed. His name is Son Goku however Kakarot is his Saiyan name. But he no longer exists because he has become what is known as "Vegito"

"Vegito? Thats sounds a lot like the Prince Vegeta"

"You are correct my lord. This Son Goku and Prince Vegeta both fused to defeat an enemy 3 years ago. The  fusion process was permanent but they did got used to be a fusion so now they're known as one person instead of two people."

"Hmmm. Interesting. Where is the "Vegito" currently at?"

*checks staff* "It seems he is currently training at North kai's planet for whatever reason it is"

"Alright then. Perhaps he knows about the man in my dream. The super Saiyan god"

"Super Saiyan god?"

"Yes. He would provide me a fight that would satisfy me for awhile. I need to find him. So how long is it to North Kai's planet?"

"About 24 minutes and 54 seconds"

*gets out an dries himself* "Its that far away?! Well whatever. As long as I find the super saiyan god, it won't matter. Get me my clothes Whis."

"Yes my lord" *leaves to get the clothes*

To be continued

My second chapter. Did you like it? Please vote and comment it really helps me out

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