Chapter 14: Can he forgive her?

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Vegito P.O.V.

As we arrived inside the room, there was already controversy among one another. I was a bit nervous to meet my future mother in law for the first time😏. Hopefully things won't be as bad as I think... Or so I thought.

"My son... You have returned. Just as a sapphire had foretold" *Said Blue*

"I actually wished she was wrong" *Said Yellow*

"I could've stayed home and not care. At least pretend that you're glad to see me" *Said Beerus*

"I am pretending. Its still not working" *said Yellow*

*nudges* "Yellow! He JUST got here. Please be nice" *Said Blue*

"Hmph" *said yellow with her arms crossed*

"Sorry about her. Allow me to shrink to human size" *Said Blue*

I'm assuming that she is Blue Diamond and the other one is Yellow Diamond. She shrunk to human size following with Yellow doing the same. We walked closer. Beerus and his mother staring each other directly in the eyes.

"My son... Its been too long. Far too long" *Said Blue with tears of joy*

"Mother... I... I..." *Stuttered Beerus*

Immediately Beerus hugged his mother tight. Its clear that he misses her despite what he said in Chapter 12. Blue then hugged back and sobbed lightly in happiness.

"My baby. Ohh my baby. I've missed you so much" *said Blue*

"Mother. I don't how I was able to come here. But... I'm sorry for leaving you alone for 75 million years. I don't know how you're happy to see me" *said Beerus*

"Let me look at you" *Blue looks at Beerus having tears in his eyes*

"You've grown so much my child. You've gotten Skinner. And taller" *Said Blue*

"And you haven't changed any feature at all. Just your hairstyle and hair color" *Said Beerus*

"You're even wearing the clothes I got you when you were 18 years old. It looks wonderful on you" *Said Blue*

"Thank you. I knew it was the right time to wear it" *Said Beerus*

*looks at Whis* "Whis darling. Its been forever since I saw you. How have you been?" *asked Blue*

"I have been quite great Blue. I'm in love with an Angel in another universe so things have been peachy." *said Whis*

"I'm actually glad to see you Whis. Anything interesting in the multiverse?" *asked Yellow*

"Nothing in particular Yellow" *Said Whis*

Then Blue and Yellow Diamond looked at me. Blue with confusion and Yellow with suspicion. I just kept quiet until they said something.

"Beerus. Who is this Saiyan you brought?" *Asked Blue*

"I didn't think a filthy monkey would survive after what happened to Planet Vegeta" *Said Yellow*

"Hey! Don't call him a monkey!" *Beerus said while walking towards me*

"His name is Vegito. He is one charming and loving man. He's my mate" *said Beerus holding my hand*

Blue Diamond had her eyes wide open as if she knows something. Yellow Diamond just squinted her eyes. So I walked up to them while holding Beerus' hand.

"Good day to you miss Blue Diamond and miss Yellow Diamond. I am Vegito. It is an honor for you to meet me" *I said nervously*

*slight chuckle* "Its nice to meet you too." *Said Blue*

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