Chapter 18: Mother's conflict

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Beerus P.O.V.

As it seemed that Champa and I were going to fight, a familiar voice spoke up and silenced the whole room.

"BOTH of you idiots are sensitive!" *Yelled a voice*

We looked at our lefts and I saw my mother enraged and Aunt Yellow by her side.

"M-mother?!" *Champa and I asked*

"Yes! It shouldn't be a surprise to you too!" *Said Blue*

"Oh my. This seems to be a drastic change in personality Blue Diamond." *Said Whis*

"Don't even start Whis. You know how she can be when she's mad... I can remember the last time like if it was yesterday" *Said Yellow*

"W-w-what are you doing here?" *I asked*

"I came to visit you and Champa. But I overheard the conversation you two had and I'm very disappointed in you two!" *Said Blue*

"But he started it Mommy!" *Champa and I said at the same time*

"And I'm ending it!" *Said Blue*

Then mother grabbed my ear and grabbed Champa's ear. She walked outside while holidng our ears.

"Ow ow ow. Why do you have to do this?" *Asked Champa*

"Because since you two aren't gonna be mature like the gods you're supposed to be, then I'll solve the problem my own way as a mother!" *Said Blue*

"Ummm... Do you need me to go with you bear bear?" *Asked Vegito*

"Trust me Saiyan, its best if you stay out of this. This is something you'd be too retarted to understand" *Said Yellow following blue*

"Hey! Thats no way to talk with my man!" *I said*

"Yeah! There wasn't a need for that." *Said Vegito*

"There is a need for you to go fuck yourself... Oh wait. Can't you already do that fusion?" *Asked Yellow*

"Wow. Thats cold" *Said Vados*

"Hey!" *Said Vegito*

Then mother dragged us outside with Aunt Yellow and I grew angry.

"Was it necessary to embarrass me like that and for Yellow to disrespect my husba- I mean... My boyfriend?!" *I said*

"I'll admit. That was a bit too much Yellow. That was uncalled for" *Said Blue*

"Hmph" *Said Yellow crossing her arms*

"What did you bring us outside for?" *Asked Champa*

"First off, this is what I'm going to do to show how serious I am" *Said Blue*

Then mother pulled out a whistle. I recognized that whistle. She would use that on Champa and I whenever we were behaving bad.

"Oh no... Not that thing!" *I said in worry*

"Yup" *Said Blue*

Then mother blew on the whistle. Both Champa and I were in pain from it.

"Ow! God damn! No one else can hear it but us!" *Shouted Champa*

"This seems to be effective even more sister" *Said Yellow*

"Can you please stop?!" *I begged*

*stops* "Sit!" *Commanded Blue*

"Wait... What?" *I asked confused*

"I said sit. I've done this before with you both whenever you're behavior was unacceptable and I'll do it again if I have to" *Said Blue*

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