Chapter 26: 1st week-4th week

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Vegito P.O.V. (1st week)

"It's been about a week since Beerus and I had sex. It's confirmed by Whis that beerus is pregnant and he already has a small bump on his stomach. He kind of feels weird. He's been having awkward hormone reactions but I guess this is what it's like to be pregnant. To have weird hormones. I was currently training with whis and beerus was just watching. I've been trying to hit least all day but no luck whatsoever.

"Do tell me what's wrong Vegito. You weren't able to hit not even once on me all day" *Said Whis*

"I guess I'm getting a bit Rusty. I still need some time to get use of my Super Saiyan God form so is it alright if I use it?" *I asked*

"Do go ahead" *Said Whis*

I started to power up. The Rocks around me started to levitate and when Beerus felt my power he's just smiled little bit. Then I went into Super Saiyan God just like that. Whis looked at me with a slight smile.

"I'm ready now Whis. Here I go!" *I Shouted*

I lunged towards Whis. I tried to throw a punch to his face but he blocked it with ease just by using the finger. Then I started to rapidly punch and kick him but he will just always block with that same exact finger. I teleported behind Whis and try to kick him on the side but then he teleported behind me back and flicked me in the back of my head lunging me towards a wall. I flew back towards Whis pretending like I was going to head then I teleported on top and try to kick the face but he blocked it again the finger.

"Even as a Super Saiyan God you're still not capable of hitting me today Vegito. It seems you really have been Rusty" *Said Whis*

"If you wish to become a God of destruction you'll need to do better than that" *Said Beerus*

"I have no intentions of being a god of destruction" *I said*

I tried to kick Whis where the light don't shine but he teleported behind me and kicked me in the place instead causing me to hold my nuts and go on the floor in pain.

"Right... In the dragon balls..." *I groaned*

"Oof. I may have a Vagina but even I felt that one" *Said Beerus*

Whis P.O.V. (2nd week)

Its now the 2nd week and my lord has requested weird cravings. Yesterday he asked for peanut butter covered Pizza mixed with chocolate pudding. Today he asked for cup ramen stuffed inside a Turkey with mustard.

"Whis! Where is the food I asked for?!" *Asked Beerus*

"My lord. These cravings you're having are not good for the baby. Why aren't you eating the healthy food I have prepared for you?" *I asked*

"Because it doesn't taste delicious! I need something that'll fuel me" *Said Beerus*

"My lord. Not even your own husband gives you what you desire. So what makes you think I will?" *I asked*

"Hmph! Speaking of him, where is he?" *Asked Beerus*

"He went to Homeworld to see you're mother. I guess he just felt that he needed to get along with the Diamonds" *I Said*

"There isn't a need to. They can come to him instead of vise versa. But I'm still hungry!" *Said Beerus*

*sigh* "This is why the creator wants this chapter short" *I said*

(3rd week)

Blue P.O.V.

I have been told that my son is having a baby. It doesn't bother me one bit, but rather I have been filled with happiness and joy. I arrived on my son's planet with Yellow and White so we can see how he is. But as usual, they rather go back to work then have some time off.

"Remind us again why WE need to come?" *Asked Yellow*

"Because you're my family and I want you guys to see him. Is that too much to ask?" *I said*

"Probably" *Said White*

"Oh suck it up White. After all, you should be the one seeing him the most" *I said*

*knock knock* "Who is it?" *Asked Beerus*

"It your mother and two Aunts my son. We have come to visit you" *I said*

"I only came here to give you these gifts and leave" *Said Yellow*

"I brought you nothing" *Said White*

*opens* "Mother? What a surprise. I didn't expect you'd take this so lightly" *Said Beerus*

"I didn't expect you'd go through with my advice" *I said*

"I brought a gift for you. A Sapphire told us that your child is gonna be a boy. So I brought this" *Said Yellow*

Yellow gave Beerus two boxes of divine diapers, baby powder and formula for the baby with clothes resembling a boy

"Oh my goodness. This is indeed thoughtful of you Yellow. Thank you" *Said Beerus smiling*

"Don't mention it. I should do something nice for a change" *Said Yellow*

"I honestly brought nothing" *Said White*

"I couldn't give two shits of what you do White" *Said Beerus*

Daishinkan P.O.V. (4th week)

Its been a month and nothing has occurred since the meeting. The powder the Anti-Priest sprayed to Beerus gave him a vagina. Honestly why did it have to be that weird? I was currently observing the gates of the demon realm and so far nothing has come up. However, I did see Towa giving birth. Apparently Mira is the father.

"Push Towa. Push!" *Said Mira trying to get the baby*

"I'm... Trying as... Hard... As I can" *Said Towa pushing*

"This is just too unbearable to watch" *Said Demigra*

"I can't believe I'm fapping to this" Said Brandon*

Towa made one final push and released a newborn baby boy crying.

"Wahhhhhh! Wahhhhhhh!" *Cried the baby*

"Oh my goodness. It's a boy" *Said Mira smiling*

"We did agree on his name... Its Fuu"

To be continued.

Hey guys. I know that this chapter was shitty and I have absolutely no excuse as why it is. I have been a bit depressed because my aunt died recently. I'm sorry for the long hiatus and shitty chapter. I'll try to make the next one longer and better.

Beerus x Vegito The Love Of A God And A FusionWhere stories live. Discover now