Chapter 15: Vegito vs Mira and Brandon

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Vegito P.O.V.

Its been three weeks and Beerus hasn't shown me any affection. Whenever I try to make love to him he always pushes me off or say no. I understand if he doesn't want sex but not showing me affection even though I try to show affection is not right. So I decided to find out why. Beerus was wearing his God of Destruction boxers and nothing else. He was just laying on his bed and played with a ball of yarn. I sat down on his bed with my towel on because I just came out of the shower.

"Beerus" *I said*

"What is it Vegito?" *Asked Beerus*

"Do you wanna talk?" *I Asked*

"Talk about what?" *Asked Beerus*

"Us Beerus. Us" *I said*

"What about us?" *Asked Beerus with slight anger*

"Whats going on?! You haven't even give me any sort of affection whatsoever in the last three weeks!" *I said*

"Obviously I was training you!" *Said Beerus*

"So you couldn't even give me a kiss?! A peck on the cheek?! Not even a cheek?!" *I said*

*gets up* "Look Vegito! Mira and Towa are the main focus here. Set your sights on defeating them instead of being worried about us!" *scolded Beerus*

He was walking away but I grabbed his arm before he could.

"Tell me what is the problem Dammit! Did I do or say something wrong?! Is it about the Diamond's?! Is it about Damian?!" *I yelled*

When I said that, Beerus punched me as hard as he can in my stomach and I spat out spit and blood. Then he punched me in my face causing my towel to slip from my waist and making me hit a wall. I couldn't walk. I had to use all fours so that I can have support. Soon Beerus calmed down and realized what he did.

*gasp* "Oh my gosh! Vegito! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to punch you! I just got so mad and I lost control and I swear I didn't mean to do that!" *Said Beerus with a face of concern.*

Little did I know that Whis was just standing in the background with utter shock of what Beerus did.

"You know... If you wanted to... Break up, you could've... Just said it." *I managed to say*

"Break up with you?! I would never do that!" *He said*

"But what you just... Did, proved it" *I said*

Beerus was trying to help me up but I put two fingers on my head so I can use instant transmission to go to Earth.

"Wait what are you doing?!" *Asked Beerus*

I simply ignored. I used my instant transmission to teleport to my house. Yeah I still have it. While still naked, I crawled all the way to my room. I couldn't even move my tail from the pain. Once I crawled onto my bed, I pull out a bag full of senzu beans and ate one.

*gets up* "Man. I don't understand why Beerus would do this. He always loved my kisses. What in the world happened then?" *I asked*

I decided to call Krillin for advice. I want to know how to handle a break up since he had one with Maron.

"Ohhh Krillin. That was so amazing." *Said 18*

"Well I'm glad you enjoyed it" *Said Krillin*

"How about another round before we hit the hay?" *Asked Krillin*

"I see that you're eager tonight. Ok then. Lets do it one more time" *Said 18*

*Ring ring* "Awww. Let me get the phone babe. *picks up* hello?" *Said Krillin*

Beerus x Vegito The Love Of A God And A FusionWhere stories live. Discover now