Chapter 5: The party

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Beerus P.O.V.

I'm still waiting to arrive on earth. I do hope that I can find the super Saiyan god so I can stop this wild goose chase. I hope that Vegito is ok though. I know I JUST met him, but...I just don't know. Its weird to worry about him but its like the feeling you get in your heart when you think of someone you may be interseted in.

"Lord Beerus"

"What is it Whis?" I said

"We almost arrived on earth. Where exactly are we going to stop at first?"

"Hmmm. I didn't even think of that. We'll just wait and see" I replied

"Alright then" Said Whis

About 5 minutes later, We arrived at the atmosphere of earth. We were hovering over one of its ocean and we happen to see a ship. Perhaps some type of celebration.

"Hey Whis. Stop at that ship right there. I want to see if those weird looking people knows about the super Saiyan god"

"Yes my Lord" replied Whis

Whis then stopped at the back of the ship. We started to walk around for a bit then a Blue Haired woman caught us.

"Trunks? Where are you? Its time to eat now-"

"Oh. Hello Madame. My apologies for us intruding"

"Oh. Who are you two?"

"Yes well I am known as Mr. Whis and this is my god. Lord Beerus. We came here looking for the super Saiyan god and we thought that you may know" said Whis

"Super Saiyan god huh? I don't know anything about that but there are a couple of Saiyans here. Perhaps you can check and join the party if you like" said Bulma

"Excuse me Ma'am but do you have any relations with Prince Vegeta?" I asked

"Vegeta? Yes. He's my ex husband. We had a child then a few years later we divorced"

"My apologies for that. But its an honor to meet you ma'am"

 But its an honor to meet you ma'am"

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"I do mean it that you two can stay. We got games and delicious food too" Said Bulma

"Well thank you for being Polite" *sniff sniff* "The aromas of the food you speak of are quite delectable"

"Well now there's plenty of Aromas where that came from. Please follow me"

Whis and I did exactly that. We were introduced to a whole lot of different creatures. A couple of humans, Saiyan hybrids, a namekian, a pig with hands, and some type of pink thing thats too overweight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce to these two guests: Mr. Whis and Beerus."

The people then clapped and cheered for our arrival.

Beerus x Vegito The Love Of A God And A FusionWhere stories live. Discover now