Chapter 25: Lets have a child +18

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Beerus P.O.V.

"I HAVE A VAGINA!" *I Shouted*

I couldn't believe what I had. My dick was gone and was replaced with a pussy. Vegito walked in with his boxers only.

"A vagina is what you have huh? Whats the big deal?" *Asked Vegito nonchalantly*

"Whats the big deal?! My dick and balls are gone!" *I Shouted*

"Well... Its not like you were using them anyway" *Said Vegito*

*blushes* "Hey! I use them!" *I said embarrassed*

"Really? For what?" *Asked Vegito*

"Well... I use them for... For... Using the bathroom! Hmph!" *I said crossing my arms*

"We all use them for that Beerus. I need something better for your claim" *Said Vegito*

"I um... Well what do you use your dick for?!" *I asked triggered*

*smirks* "I use mine to masturbate, for you to stroke it, in rare occasions you to suck it, to fuck you, to cum inside of you and I repeat" *Said Vegito*

*blushes madly* "This is why I love you" *I said*

"Yeah I know" *Said Vegito smiling*

"WHIS!!!!!!" *I Shouted*

*appears* "You rang my lord?" *Asked Whis*

"Would you mind explaining this?!" *I asked*

"Yes I can. Its a vagina you have my lord" *Said Whis*

"I know its a vagina! I want to know how did I get it!" *I Shouted*

"I believe the Anti-Priest is responsible for this. I believe the powder he sprayed you with caused this" *Said Whis*

"But why would he even do that?" *Asked Vegito*

"No idea. Perhaps messing with your mind" *Said Whis*

"Does that mean I'm a woman?!" *I asked*

"Of course not. You're still male but with a vagina" *Said Whis*

Whis put his staff on my stomach for some type of examination.

"What do you see?" *Asked Vegito*

"Hmmm... Fallopian tubes... A cervix... A uterus... Ovaries... Oh... Even a fertilization egg" *Said Whis*

"Whis? What does that mean?!" *I asked nervously*

"My lord... It means you're capable of being... Pregnant" *Said Whis*

"What?!" *Said Vegito Excitedly*

"WHAT?!" *I said*

"Yup. You my lord can be pregnant" *Said Whis*

"Holy shit! Thats wonderful!" *Said Vegito*

"How is that wonderful?!" *I asked*

"That way we can have a child. We can start a family" *Said Vegito*

"Have a... Child?" *I asked*

"My lord. If you don't want to keep this, I can create a powder to reverse its affects" *Said Whis*

"Please do so Whis" *I Said*

"Wait what?!" *Asked Vegito*

"You do realize that I'm not keeping this vagina right?" *I asked*

"But this could be our chance to start something new. Create a new beginning" *Said Vegito*

"Do you not see the situation we're in right now?! What makes you think its perfect to have child?!" *I asked angry*

Beerus x Vegito The Love Of A God And A FusionWhere stories live. Discover now