Chapter 23: The Anti-Priest

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Beerus P.O.V.

I was ready to stop the Serious bomb that was thrown by Mira. Only to hear the voice of Towa out of nowhere.

"Mira! Stop whatever you're doing!" *Shouted Towa*

Mira stopped the Serious bomb from hitting me and looked around.

"Towa? Where are you?" *Asked Mira*

"I am currently at the gates of the demon realm. I have been watching your fight with Beerus until I have Come to realization of something" *Said Towa*

Everyone that heard had a face of shock except the Diamonds and company.

"Is that Who I think it is?" *Asked White*

"It is. Its the same woman who killed me in my past life. She's the reason for my resurrection" *Said Silvio*

"Oh hello God of destruction Silvio... Oops. I meant just Silvio. It looks like you're still hideous ever since I killed you" *Said Towa*

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" *Said Silvio*

"Are you too afraid to come out in the open Towa? I should've remembered that the actions of someone from the demon realm would be cheap" *I said*

"Keep talking a big game Beerus. After all, Mira and I did defeat you once before. We shall do it again" *Said Towa*

"What are your orders Towa?" *Asked Mira*

"Its come to my attention that Demon God Demigra has been in a huge heap of trouble by two angels and a god. Thats why I have the perfect Idea to help him. Come back to me and I shall explain. Also, I'd advise you to keep holding that serious bomb. That large amount of energy is needed for what I'm going to explain" *Said Towa*

Another wormhole was created out of nowhere and I'm just irritated to the point where I'm asking myself: Why am I allowing this to happen? What do I gain from this type of behavior?

"Understand this Mira. You have been playing with fire ever since Nebula 97. There will become a time where Towa won't come to your rescue. Come back to fight me when you're stronger. Not before then. Otherwise you won't be lucky enough to deflect my Hakai." *I said in my god stance*

"Oh I will destruction god. I will and I can guarantee that your defeat won't be a lucky one like before." *Said Mira*

Mira entered the wormhole then disappeared. I flew to the Diamonds with a head down. They just kept there serious faces. But my mother went to human size and came to me.

"Mother... My sincere apologies for the destruction of this festivity. I'll make it up for the mess" *I said*

*kisses Beerus' forehead* "No need for an apology my son. This disaster isn't your wrong doing" *Said Blue*

"Alright then" *I said*

"This has been a rather great yet unexpected welcome back party. I suppose taking care of this mess is an order" *Said White*

With just the wave of her hand, White cleared the mess that was made. Stupid bitch.

"Although things seem to have calm down, I'd recommend you take what Towa Said Seriously. This "Demon God Demigra" doesn't sound like your average bad guy" *Said Silvio*

"True. But more importantly, what would Towa need to do against two angels and a god? Thats something that shouldn't happen everyday" *I said*

"Want my advice? Go to Vegito then go home. I have work to do" *Said Yellow walking away*

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