Chapter 29: Diamond Redemption

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White P.O.V.

I have overheard about the Great-Priest's plan against his older brother. He plans to seal him away in a confined cage outside the multiverse. It sounds like a good plan due to the time gap. 1 hour inside the multiverse equals 3 months outside the multiverse's plane of darkness. But the great priest is just delaying the inevitable. Still, it wouldn't hurt to provide assistance to him. However Blue dragged me into her "mother and son" bullsh#it just so she can make me take time out of my busy schedule for her brat of a son. Blue was just smiling that a month has passed and her going to be a grandma. That makes me a great grandmother and that also makes a certain someone a great great grandfather.

"I must say Beerus, this is indeed interesting to say the least" *Said Blue smiling*

"Why is that?" *Asked Beerus*.

"Because I honestly didn't think you'd go through with what I said. But I am intrigued to know what the child of a mortal and a god will be like" *Said Blue with excitement*

"Speaking about your mortal husband, where is he anyway?" *Asked Yellow with her arms crossed*

"He's training just a few doors down the hall. Whis went somewhere that I don't know so Vegito is doing his own training and even though he has the power of super Saiyan god, he is still not satisfied. He believes he can be stronger if he puts in enough effort" *Said Beerus*

"Well I suppose that explains it" *Said Yellow*

"That mortal. His power does peak my interest when he seeks divinity" *Said Blue*

"Its as if he is already a god, Yet he is still far from his goal if he still has his own expectations. But thats beside the point. I too wish to see the well being of your baby" *Said Yellow holding back a smile*

"Well thank you aunt Yellow. Thats so nice of you" *Said Beerus smiling*

Ugh! I can't stand all the affection thats going on. Yellow used to be a cruel and heartless tyrant. Now she willingly takes time out of her schedule just to see her nephew. Thats not a good look for a Diamond and I don't know why Blue would think I'd care for someone thats so insignificant even if he is family!

"Wh-whoa!" *Said Beerus holding his stomach*

"Whats wrong dear? Having pregnancy cramps?" *Asked Blue*

"N-no mom. I just felt the baby kick. I think I'm fine" *Said Beerus*

All of a sudden, Blue gasped so hard that I thought she was suffocating. But she was just over excited to know that the baby was kicking.

*Gasps loudly* "Oh... My... GOD! The baby just kicked! Oh my stars this is just news beyond divine!" *Said Blue shaking with Joy*

"My goodnees Blue calm down. There isn't a need to overreact now" *Said Yellow*

"No need to overreact?! My son just had his baby kick! Why wouldn't I be excited about this?!" *Said Blue with a huge smile*

"Oh brother give me a break. Its not as if you've been given a one way ticket to the land of the divine" *I mumbled*

"Would you like to feel my belly? He is still kicking in a way" *Said Beerus smiling*

Blue lightly put her hand on Beerus' belly. Yellow was watching with a slight smile as Blue would hold her cries of happiness as her soon to be grandson would kick. I was disgusted at how a simple unborn baby would catch the attention on a Diamond such as Blue. For Zen-oh sake I should be heading to Daishinkan's place instead of looking at this excuse of a god of destruction. I need to get away from this waste of a planet

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