Chapter 3: Training

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Vegito P.O.V.

I just finished training in the hyperbolic time chamber. I was hungry as a hog! I forgot to check my food supply so I destroyed the chamber out of hunger. I went into the kitchen to eat every single piece of food thats there. Then Mr. Popo was furious.

"Vegito! You destroyed the hyperbolic time chamber! It took me 5 years to build that!"

*with food in his mouth* "Whoops hehe. Sorry Mr. Popo. I forgot to check my food supply and well...This happened"

*sigh* "Now I'm gonna have to figure out a way to rebuild it faster"

*looks at clock* "Hmmm. Only 8 hours until Bulma's birthday party. I guess I can continue my training at King Kai's place"

"You're gonna train AGAIN?! Don't you ever rest or stop?!"

"Like I said. Of course not. I gotta be stronger." *munched on a BLT Sandwich*

"You saiyans are as hard-headed as an infant human."

"Thanks for the food. I'm off to King Kai. See ya!" *used instant transmission*

I haven't been to king Kai's planet since it blew up after Kakarot fought Cell. Hoepfully he isn't still mad. I saw king Kai making some upgrades to his house.

"Howdy King Kai"

*fell down startled* "Goku! I mean Vegito! Don't come to my planet without letting me know!"

"Oops hehe Sorry King Kai." *extends hand*

*takes hand* "Thanks. It seems you both are still fused. Do you two actually plan to be like this forever?"

"I don't consider myself as "We". When they fused for the first time, they felt as if they didn't want to unfuse. They've been closeted for many years until their divorces. They can actually be who they are. They chose to be fused forever and now I'm just one being."

"Honestly I didn't ask for a semi-speech but ok. So what are you doing here?"

"Oh. I came here to train. Majin Buu was the strongest person I fought and there could be more like him out there"

"What about the Hyperbolic time chamber Kami and Mr. Popo created?"

"Oh about that, I forgot to check my food supply, the door locked me in and I accidentally destroyed the chamber."

"You destroyed the chamber?!"

"Like I said. I'm forgetful" *nervous smile*

*sigh* "If you're gonna train here, please don't damage my planet again. I took a major amount of time repairing it after your Cell stunt."

"Oh yeah hehe. Sorry about that."

"And I'm still dead too!" *with his Angel halo*

"I said I was sorry. What else can I do?"

"You could use the dragon balls to wish me back to life. That is IF you don't forget to"

"I'll try not to. But man. Its been so long since I've been excited about getting stronger."

I then started to train ferociously. Shooting Ki blasts in the air and pushing back my Kamehameha waves back and forth. King Kai taking cover and scared shitless

"No need for you to take cover King Kai. You're already dead so"

"You say that so causally"

About 24 minutes later I then see King Kai talking to himself so I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation.

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