Chapter 13: Diamond's Dysfunction

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Blue Diamond's P.O.V.

24 hours earlier

Being alive for over 5 quintillion years makes life a living hell. 2 sisters, formerly 3. I'm a ruler of a race known as gems and associated with supreme Kais, Gods of destruction, and Angels. My name is Blue Diamond and I am a mother of two Gods. Lord Beerus and Lord Champa. I could say that I'm a terrible mother for what I allowed my ex husband to do when Beerus was just child. I'll get into details later. I'm currently on my way to Earth. I came from visiting Champa in universe six. He doesn't hate me but he has some sort of resentment towards me. I was sitting in my throne of my arm ship getting close to Earth and I spoke to my pearl.

"Pearl?" *I asked*

"Yes my Diamond?" *She asked*

"Do you think my son Beerus has hate for me?" *I asked*

"Sadly I do not know my Diamond. After all these years I never spent enough time with him to conclude whether he has hate for you or not" *Said pearl*

*sigh* "Even if he doesn't, he has every right to hate me for what I have done. I allowed it to happen. Its something that no mother can do. But I did it." *I said*

"I have nothing to say about that statement my Diamond. I'm in no position to decide whether what you did was right or wrong." *Said Pearl*

"I know Pearl. I know" *I said*

After we arrived on Earth, I cloaked my ship to make it seem invisible then the throne I was sitting on dispatched and was flying through the atmosphere of Earth. My throne is called my Palanquin. I had it ever since I was made. My first stop was to go to Korea. I wanted to visit the grave yard of my fallen sister. I landed next to it and stepped outside with my pearl. Immediately tears came out of my eyes of sorrow.

"I'm so sorry Pink. I should've done more for you. Yellow says it'll all be over soon. I wonder what you would think. This is your planet after all. I still think it is." *I said*

My pearl bowed down to Pink Diamond's broken down Palanquin as to pay respects.

"I never should've left you alone. If I knew Rose was coming to your location, I could've saved you. But I was too busy arguing with Yellow discussing about Beerus and Champa. Not only am I a horrible mother, I'm a horrible sister." *I said with tears*

Then I heard a familiar voice from above.

"No need for sorrow Blue Diamond. You should save it in the foreseeable future" *Said Towa*

I got up slowly and looked at Towa who looked like a troll due to my 15 meter height. I shrinked to human size in case if I have to fight.

"Pearl. Stay inside the Palanquin and don't come out until I say its ok." *I said*

"Yes my Diamond" *Said Pearl while going inside the Palanquin*

"My my. Its unlike you to have such care for your Pearl." *Said Towa*

"I thought we had a deal Towa! I thought we wouldn't meet again If allowed Damian to do what he did to Beerus and Champa?!" *I said*

"Simply allowing your husband to sexually abuse Beerus and physically abuse Champa wasn't enough to soothe my anger towards them" *Said Towa*

*gets into defensive mode* "What do you want with me then?!" *I said*

"As you can see, Mira and I survived the explosion that Beerus caused on Nebula 97 300 million years ago. After that, my brother Dabura got killed by some pink blob that can turn his enemies into food." *Said Towa*

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