Chapter 16: I love you +18

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Beerus P.O.V.

After two months of what it seemed like endless searching for Vegito I have finally found him. But it was rather a condition where I didn't expect. His clothes were torn up and he had scratches and bruises. He was on all fours looks like he needed to support himself. I see Mira and Towa with a third person. A Saiyan perhaps? How many survivors of them are there anyway? But the Saiyan had something to charge up to blast Vegito. That thing could kill him. So I flew down just in time right before the blast could hit him and I blocked it with ease with my right hand. Once the blast hit, i caught it in a ball shape then destroyed it. The Saiyan was shocked, Mira was angry, and Towa was pleased.

"No one puts there hands on my man except me!" *I said*

"Ohohohoho. You're husband has arrived Vegito. Perhaps its a bit too early for you to fight him Mira." *Said Towa*

"Even I can understand my own weakness against Beerus. Not my time yet." *Said Mira*

"You guys are nothing but cowards. You only fight those that can't win against you. But when someone stronger comes, you all leaves likes weaklings!" *I said with anger*

"But you're just an emotional pussy cat that loves to be fucked in the ass. Don't insult us if you're gonna be a hypocrite" *Said Brandon*

"Oh my" *Said Mira*

"Ok I think that was a bit too far" *Said Towa*

"Why you dirty mouthed mother fucke-" *I said while Vegito held my arm*

"Beerus please... Let them go for now." *Said Vegito*

"But" *I said*

"Its not worth it... Let him say what he wants... At least they stopped attacking." *Said Vegito while almost going unconscious*

*catches Vegito* "It's ok Vegito. You're gonna be alright. I'm here so need to worry" *I said with concern*

*chuckle* "Now I find this humorous." *Said Towa*

"You think that's funny you jackass?!" *I asked yelling*

"You're right its not funny. Its hilarious" *Said Towa*

I really wanted to destroy them on the spot. But Vegito insisted to leave them be for now.

"Vegito. I'm sorry for what I did." *I said with slight tears*

"Don't be bear bear. It wasn't your fault anyway." *Vegito said smiling*

"This is getting a bit too love like. We should leave." *Said Mira*

"Ditto" *Said Brandon putting his mask back on*

"This has been most interesting all day. Alright. Mira. Brandon. We're going home" *said Towa with a smile*

"Hopefully I get to fight you destroyer god. I'd love to test your power one day" *Said Brandon*

"Not even in your dreams Mortal. I'll destroy you before you even get to lay a punch on me." *I said*

"Hmph. Who said you'll fight him anyways Beerus? The final battle will be you and I." *Said Mira crossing his arms*

"Begone you impure demons! I wish to be alone!" *I screamed*

"Ohhhh scary. Whatever." *Said Towa*

Towa waved her staff in the air and poof. Mira, Towa, and the Saiyan left. I was here alone holding Vegito bridal style.

"Hey Beerus" *Vegtio said*

"Yes my love?" *I asked*

"I want to go back home with you." *Said Vegito*

Beerus x Vegito The Love Of A God And A FusionWhere stories live. Discover now