Chapter 21: SSJG Vegito

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Vegito P.O.V.

Even though the organic side of Homeworld is meant to be quiet, it'd be nice to teach even the god of destruction a move of my own. So thats what I'm doing.

"So you wish to teach me this Kamehameha wave for what reason?" *Asked Beerus walking with me*

"Its just a new way to defend yourself when you're in a fight. I also believe that if you're training me I should train you some stuff" *I said walking*

"I'm the god of destruction. I don't need anymore training than I already have" *Said Beerus proudly*

"Yeah yeah. Anyways this field seems like a nice place to demonstrate. hopefully your Mother won't be too mad hehe" *I said*

"Eh she won't do anything. She's bipolar so you'll get used to it. Now then, demonstrate this move" *Said Beerus*

"Alright. Now you'll want to set your body slightly crouched in order to stand your ground" *I said doing that*

"Alright" *Said Beerus doing it too*

"Set both of your hands to your right side of your body. Set them between your torso and legs" *I said doing that*

"Ok. What else?" *Said Beerus doing it*

"Use your hands to gather energy and keep it there. Charge as much as you want. While doing it, say the word of the move to complete it Then shoot it out as an energy blast" *I said*

"Alright. Lets do it" *Said Beerus*

Both Beerus and I were gathering to do the move. Shouting out the name.

"KA...ME...HA...ME...HA!!!!!" *Shouted Beerus and I*

Both of our Ki blast shot out. I was impressed greatly because Beerus already learned the move in a matter of seconds. But when Beerus shot it, the color was red instead of blue.

"Damn. I'm surprised you learned the move like that" *I said*

"Well hehe. I do tend to get things right the first time" *Said Beerus*

I was going to teach him something else but then we heard a noise from the sky. We looked up and saw two gem fighter jets flying past the organic forest towards the White Diamond temple. As they were going, there was a huge explosion close to the temple with gems shooting at whoever it was.

"What the hell was that?! An explosion that big is too crucial to ignore!" *I asked*

"I don't know. But my mother is over there and I'm not gonna stand here starstruck! Lets go!" *Said Beerus flying*

"Right!" *I said flying*

We both flew at full speed. Of course since Beerus was faster then me, he went there in the blink of an eye. It took me 15 seconds in full speed just to catch up to him.

"I made it! So whats going on?!" *I asked concernd*

"Looks like decomposition" *Said Beerus slightly angry*

I looked to see whats going on and I wished I didn't know. It was Brandon. Just shooting at random places in the city of Homeworld laughing. Gems of all sorts try to attack but Brandon would always shoot them in the gemstone to kill them. Guess he knows their weakness.

"Hahahaha! You pathetic gems are more fragile than the earthlings!" *Said Brandon shooting everywhere*

"Topaz! Make sure the Diamonds are safe from this filthy monkey! If he so much even touches one of them, I will have your gem!!!!!" *Shouted Aquamarine ABC*

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