Chapter 20: Demon God Demigra

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Towa P.O.V.

As the days grow old, I can feel as if Mira and I have enough power to face a god and an angel. I was currently watching the whole "White Diamond party" in my staff to prevent any detection. I'm sitting right next to the closed gates of the demon realm. Awaiting the return of Mira and Brandon. But I must say, this "White Diamond party" is intriguing. Vegito proposing to Beerus, the return of White Diamond, and my favorite, seeing the divine mortal after so many years.

"Ohohoho. The divine mortal still prefers to be in that hideous Saiyan body." *I said laughing*

As I was watching the party in amusement, I felt two powerful Ki heading towards me. I smiled because it's Mira and Brandon who have grown stronger since the fight against SSJ3 Vegito. They greeted me with respect.

"We have returned Towa. Please forgive us for the slight delay. Your "new minion" kept destroying cities that wasn't on your list" *Said Mira annoyed*

"Whoops. Sorry Mira. Guess I overdid it a bit." *Said Brandon smirking*

"This is the third time you destroyed cities that weren't assigned to be destroyed this week Brandon. You do realize thats not a joke?!" *Said Mira irritated*

"Aww give me a break Mira. I wanted some sort of release after we won against Vegito." *Said Brandon sitting nonchalantly on a rock*

"That "victory" against Vegito was cut short due to Beerus' interference. Besides, I analyzed your movements and noticed that they're too straightforward. If I hadn't fought Vegito with you, you would've been defeated in an instant." *Said Mira with his arms crossed*

"I am a Saiyan after all. I could've just gotten back up stronger after being beaten to a pulp" *Said Brandon taking off his mask*

"That is not the point Brandon! The point is that you can't destroy cities that weren't ordered to be destroyed by Towa!" *Said Mira raising his voice*

"Chill out grandpa. It ended fine anyway." *Said Brandon*

"It still doesn't make it right!" *Screamed Mira*

"That is enough you two!" *I

"But he never listens to orders!" *Said Mira pointing to Brandon*

"He never learns to have fun!" *Said Brandon pointing to Mira*

"I said enough! Don't make me raise my voice again!" *I demanded again*

The both stayed quiet after I said that.

"Although it ended fine, that still doesn't mean you should do it. Have you not realized that We're being chased by the angel that guides the 2nd strongest god of destruction?! Destroying cities that I haven't ordered you to destroy will cause too much attention to him!" *I said to Brandon*

"But aren't you strong enough to fight Whis?" *Asked Brandon*

"No! I wasted a lot of energy against the divine mortal in his past life even though I caught him off guard. I need a WHOLE lot more energy if I'm going to fight Whis" *I said*

"I dare say my mistress. What purpose brought you here at the gates of the demon realm?" *Asked Mira*

"You see Mira. We need a certain amount of energy if we need to revive the demon realm. The anti-Priest hasn't fully recovered against the Great Priest so we need an energy source thats not our own" *I said*

"You're just sitting here for the memories?" *Asked Mira*

"Pretty much" *I said*

"What if the blue and red orbs from Beerus' planet isn't enough to revive the demon realm?" *asked Mira*

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