Chapter 28: Another new member

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Narrator P.O.V.

After the Anti-Priest has captured Zamasu, he went straight towards the gates of the demon realm to regroup with the gang. Meanwhile, Beerus and Vegito were given a surprise visit by Silvio the "Divine mortal" to check on the unborn baby. Silvio has been informed about Beerus' weird pregnancy by White Diamond and he was curious to know about it.

"Ok Lord Beerus. If you may, please lay down on the mat so I can proceed the examination" *Said Silvio*

*looks at Vegito* "When I give birth to my baby, I'm getting my penis back" *Said Beerus as he layed down*

"Understood" *Said Vegito*

*examining* "hmmmmmm...hmmmmmm...hmmmmmm" *Hummed Silvio*

"What is this for again?" *Asked Vegito*

"I'm just checking the baby's health and DNA. This is the first I have seen. A hybrid baby of a god cat and a Saiyan. It is rather... Uh... Interesting to say the least" *Said Silvio examining*

"You were just about to say unusual weren't you?" *Asked Beerus a bit salty*

"W-what?! O-of course not hehe" *Said Silvio chucking nervously*

"Well good. Because I'll destroy you if you did find that as unusual" *Said Beerus*

"And if you do anything bad to my child, you will die by my hand" *Said Vegito*

"Please relax you two. I promise I won't do anything drastic" *Said Silvio*

Silvio used his enhanced powers to see the well being of the baby. He found some incredible things of it.

"Well for starters, the baby is a boy. He's gonna be born very healthy" *Said Silvio*

"Oh my gosh! Its a boy! We're gonna have a son Beerus!" *Said Vegito*

"A boy? Thats... Amazing... I'm gonna have a son" *Said Beerus shedding a tear*

"However, what he will look like is a matter that isn't a big deal, but I prefer to say it anyways" *Said Silvio*

"What will he look like?" *Asked Beerus*

"He will look exactly like Beerus. But he does have some S-Cells. The cells that allows Saiyans to go super Saiyan. He is considered half-Saiyan and half-cat. Half-mortal and half-god. He will find amusement in fighting like Saiyans do and if he were to experience near death and then recover, he'll come back stronger than what he was before. Therefore both of you are to expect a healthy baby boy" *Said Silvio*

*smiles at Beerus* "I suppose that having a son is gonna be so wonderful. What do you wish to name him?" *Asked Vegito*

"I don't know yet. I believe we should wait until he is born" *Said Beerus smiling*

"I also discovered something that I am unaware of. I believe your son will develop something called "killer instinct". What is that?" *Asked Silvio*

"Its a trait I got from my father and mother. Its when you're in a dangerous situation so killer instincts kick in. When we're in Killer instinct, our pupils disappear temporarily and we do what our instincts want to do" *Said Beerus*

"That seems helpful. But I've never seen you in killer instinct" *Said Vegito*

"Thats because its been too long since I was in a dangerous situation. Hoepfully it doesn't come to that" *Said Beerus*

Things were going peachy for Beerus and Vegito. But without realizing it, the time breakers were achieving their goals piece by piece.

"This is quite wondeful father. Thank you for getting Zamasu for me" *Said Towa*

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