Chapter 7: The feelings +18

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Beerus P.O.V.

I was just about to destroy the earth from that fat blob's disrespect of me. I formed a purple Ki blast in my hand getting ready to fire.

"People of earth... Goodbye forever" *I said*

Right before I shot it, I heard a familiar voice


Then I saw who said that and it was non other then Vegito. My heart raced so fast that I couldn't contain my smile. He slid down to where he was standing and landed next to his friends.

"Vegito! You're here!" *said Krillen

"Its about time you two came back! What took you long?!" *Asked Bulma*

"Oh hush woman! Knowing how forgetful Kakarot can be, we totally forgot it was your hell called a birthday!" *Vegito said*

"Hmph!" *said Bulma*

"Anyways, Lord Beerus. Are you really sure that you'll be satisfied if you destroy earth?" *Vegito Asked*

"Of course I would! The super Saiyan god isn't here and that fat pink looking bubble gum was rude and didn't give me a pudding cup!" *I replied*

"What would it take for you not to destroy earth?" *he asked*

"If you know anything about the super Saiyan god, then I'll leave Earth peacefully." *I said*

"Anything other than that. We know nothing of the super Saiyan god." *Said Vegito*

I grew angry of his carelessness to me. But then I knew what to say.

"If you come live with, then I'll leave Earth peacefully" *I suggested*

"Lord Beerus. I'm not too fond with mortals, but are you really suggesting a mortal living with you against his will?" *Asked Whis*

"He did say anything other than the super Saiyan god. And I have given up on it." *I said*

"Very well then my lord." *Said Whis*

"So. Whats it gonna be?" *I asked*

"Sure why not" *Vegito Replied*

"R-really?" *I asked*

I didn't think he'd agreed that fast but ok then.

"Yeah. If it means saving the Earth then alright then" *Vegito said*

I blushed heavily when he said that. My tail sort of wagged in excitement. Luckily I was still in the air so he didn't see those things.

"Now then. People of Earth, we shall now depart. Vegito, If you please come here, we'll be able to spare more time" *Said Whis*

"Be careful you two. Hopefully he doesn't do anything bad to you." *Said Gohan*

"Don't worry. Even if he is a god, I'll never show a sign of weakness towards him" *Said Vegito*

I simply ignored what he said and carried on.

"Well now. Let us leave now Whis. You too Vegito" *Said smiling*

"Hmph. Normally I would kill anyone who thinks of me as low... But I have my standards." *Said Vegito*

I put my hand on Whis' back then Vegito put his hand on my back. I was really fighting the urge to wag my tail again. His touch on my back made me quietly moan.

"Away we go" *Said Whis*

We then flew out of Earth's atmosphere.

                   30 minutes later

"Welcome to your new home." *I said*

"Wow! This is a huge planet" *said Vegito*

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"Wow! This is a huge planet" *said Vegito*

"Since you'll be living here, I decided that Whis shall train you for the time being. Perhaps you can learn something new." *I said*

"W-what?! He's gonna train me?!" *Asked Vegito*

"My Lord, I'm gonna train him?" *asked Whis*

"My answer is yes for the both of you."

"Alright!" *Said Vegito Excitedly*

"Yes my lord" *said Whis*

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to lay down on my bed." *I said*

I walked towards my bedroom. But I wasn't going to just lay down. I felt the urge to play with myself. I kept feeling the heat and desire to imagine Vegito with me. As I laid down on my bed, I slowly took off my god shirt. I wet to fingers and played with my nipples. I moaned to the sensation. I imagined as if he was licking my nipples. Then My right slowly reached for my crotch. I took my pants off then my boxers. My 10 inch manhood was as hard as a rock. I slowly stroked my cock and I moaned a bit louder.

"Ohhhhhh. Nnnnmmmm."

I stroked myself and played with my nipple at the same time. I went faster and thought of Vegito hitting me from behind.

"Ohhhhh Vegito! F-faster!"

I imagined him going faster and faster. I stroked my cock faster as I thought of him. I was already leaking with precum on my tip. Then I imagined Vegito turning me around. We kissed passionately. Both our lips moving in Sync as he continued to fuck me. I can feel my cock twitching from getting close and imagined him going Even faster.

"Ahhhhh Vegito! P-please don't stop! Ahhhh"

I kept stroking faster and faster until I finally climaxed. There was cum on my hand. I licked it all up slowly. My bed sheets had cum all over them. I turned to the side and thought to myself.

"I have to make him mine"

To be continued.

Hey sorry I haven't updated recently. I need motivation and its my first time writing smut. Hopefully I can make the next chapter longer and better. Thanks!😃😃

Beerus x Vegito The Love Of A God And A FusionWhere stories live. Discover now