Chapter 22: Mira's surprising technique

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Beerus P.O.V.

I looked at Mira with anger I never felt before. The nerve he has to step in the fight and punch a hole into Vegito. I'm gonna make him suffer for what he did!

"I'll make sure you'll regret your existence!" *I said*

"If its a fight you want then its a fight you'll surely get destruction god!" *Said Mira*

Both of us went to our stances to fight. The Diamonds and Company all watched as we were going to engage in combat. Its been eons since I have battled someone. This could help me with the negativity of stress. I looked at Champa and his fatass was eating a random box of popcorn. Who the hell knows whats been in there?! My answer is don't think about it.

"Prepare yourself Mira. This won't be as easy as it was 300 million years ago." *I Stated*

"I really much don't have the energy to care. Homeworld will suffer the same fate as Nebula 97" *Said Mira*

"This is suspenseful. Never before have I seen the god of destruction fight" *Said Blue Pearl*

"This'll be a fight that'll go down in Homeworld history. Normally thats a good thing but not this one" *Said Yellow Pearl*

Suspense was building up. Who was gonna attack first? Mira or me? Then Mira rushed to me and threw a punch to my face. I blocked it of course but Mira's Collison caused me to fly into 3 walls bursting through them while his punch was still in my blocked hand. Mira and I clashed at each other. Mira was giving it all he had. I just kept playing around. I would punch and kick Mira and when he would strike back I would block or dodge. Then I punched Mira to the point where he was flying in a tailspin. I teleported to him to sledgehammer his face causing him to fly to the ground. I teleported again and kicked him to a gem building. Smashing through offices of gem workers. He fell the ground of Homeworld's gardwn of gems. I teleported again and used both of my hands to grab his leg and swing him to a wall. Mira shredded red aura and kicked my face. I grabbed his leg again and threw him to a wall. I charged at him and threw a punch but he dodged it. Mira flew upwards and quickly charged a Ki blast.

"Galick beam cannon!!" *Shouted Mira*

Mira shot the ki blast to me but I dodged effortlessly although a bit surprised. I was flying to Mira when he then started shooting at me with normal ki blasts. I took them all like if it was nothing then grabbed his leg again and swung him to the ground. Mira flew back up to throw a punch at me but I blocked it and punched him back on the ground. I flew to him and we clashed again while flying in different directions. Even the Diamonds are having a hard time trying to keep up with us. Well, at least its just my mother and Yellow. That bitch White is too slick.

"This actually looks entertaining! Keep it up Beerus!" *Said Champa eating popcorn*

"Beerus is a bit rusty. He hasn't fought in ages. Well, the last fight I saw him had was againstMira and Towa." *Said Blue*

"Oh the memories. Quite a shame though" *Said Yellow*

Mira was getting frustrated. He punched me in the stomach causing me to spit out saliva. Then he kicked my face making me fly a bit back.

"Ow ow ow ow ow! That was not cool!" *I Shouted in slight pain*

"It wasn't meant to be cool" *Said Mira spitting out blood*

"Hmph! Didn't even hurt!" *I said*

"You liar" *Said Mira*

We both charged at each other again. Every punch and kick meeting each other in sync. I wasn't serious of course. But now I know that Mira is actually more capable than I remembered. I threw a punch at Mira but he dodged it and tried to kick me on the side of my ribs. I blocked the kick and headbutted Mira with a side of putting a Ki blast on his chest to blow him away. I wasn't going to waste anytime so I started shooting random Ki blasts at his direction. All I could think about was Vegito's health. I do hope he's ok.

Vegito P.O.V.

The medical gems were taking me to a nearby emergency room. I was just laying in pain while blood was gushing out of my stomach. They were putting some pins in me and checked my heart beat.

"We need to move as fast as we can gems! He won't be able to keep up much longer!" *Said Kunzite*

"Where is... Beerus? I need... To know where he... Is..." *I said weakly*

"Sir. I understand that you're concerned about the well being of Beerus, but we must save your life first" *Said Amethyst*

The gems brought some weird gem technology to me.

"Sir. This is gonna be a bit painful. Please bare as long as you can" *Said Emerald*

"What the hell are you doing Emerald?! Why aren't you going to use anaesthetics to ease the pain?!" *Asked Moonstone*

"Oh gee I don't know! Maybe its because HE HAS A FUCKING HOLE IN HIS STOMACH?!" *Shouted Emerald*

"It doesn't matter you two. We need to do this fast and cautiously" *Said Howlite*

"W...what..." *I said*

Then the gems shot me with the beam and I was screaming in pain and agony.


I didn't know where my life was heading when it came to this. I hope Beerus defeats Mira. Wonder how he is.

Beerus P.O.V.

"Android Kick!" *Shouted Mira*

Mira jumped and tried to use a super power kick at me but I blocked it and slapped him with my tail causing him to hiss in pain. The Divine mortal took notice of my power against Mira.

"I must say. There are more benefits of being a destroyer than I last remembered. I do wonder how Cognac is doing." *Said Silvio*

"He's working for that basterd Quitela. But I'm glad he finally got erased in Dragon ball super episode 119" *Said Blue*

"I'd appreciate it if you stop breaking the fourth wall Blue. Its getting annoying and repetitive" *Said Yellow*

"Well don't blame me. Blame the creator of the story who is making me say this right now" *Said Blue*

Mira tried to throw punches and kicks but I just dodged. Then I put my finger to his face and released a ki blast from my finger tips causing him to hit a wall. Then Mira got up with bruises.

"This chapter is very short. I wish you put up more of a fight Mira" *I said*

I put my hands up to his direction getting ready to fire. You all know what the attack is.

"Hakai" *I said*

The energy of the Hakai went towards Mira but I got a different reaction from him than I thought.

"Good! I was waiting for that attack!" *Said Mira*

Mira put his hands towarda the energy of the Hakai and grabbed it like nothing

"What the hell?! Did he just... REFLECT A HAKAI?!" *Shouted Champa*

"inconceivable! Thats never happen before! I guess I underestimated Mira again!" *Said Yellow*

Mira took the Hakai and made it into an energy ball. He had a slick smile of evil on his face.

"Here's a wonderful substitute for the Serious bomb destroyer! Now perish!" *Shouted Mira*

Mira threw the energy ball at me. I don't know whats going to happen. Will I stop it, or will I die?

To be continued.

Hey guys. I know this Chapter is short but-

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" *Shouted lord Beerus*

Wha-what do you mean?


Well its not like I can make long chapters.


*sigh* well... Bye cha

Beerus x Vegito The Love Of A God And A FusionWhere stories live. Discover now