The Balcony

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Later that night Raina, Luke, and Leia. And been given rooms to stay in at the palace. Chewie decided he wanted to stay in he Falcon, so Han stayed with him. The palace was beautiful in places, but in other areas it looked dark and metallic. Raina decided that the Emperor must have re-decorated once he moved in.

Raina couldn't sleep. Her room was gorgeous. It looked just like the ones her mother and father would stay in on Coruscant, but even that didn't help her sleep.

Raina got out of her luxurious bed and went to her closet that was filled with beautiful expensive dresses left from a guest. Raina saw a beautiful white silk robe with pink flowers painted on it. She put it on and looked in the mirror. As a Jedi she wasn't supposed to dress herself in luxurious cloths, but she couldn't help herself. Raina looked in the mirror and and saw how beautiful the robe looked.

She then slipped out into the hall. Raina walked down the hall and found a staircase. She walked up the marble staircase and spotted  a door. She opened it and found that it lead to a rooftop balcony.

Raina walked over to the railing and leaned on it. Her left arm laid against the cold stone railing, while her right elbow rested on the railing and her cheek rested gently against her right hand. She looked out onto the bustling city. The lights glowed brightly like stars. Raina could hardly discern the night sky form the city skyline. It was magical.

Raina felt a presence drawing near. A few seconds later she heard the door open and close. She didn't move from where she was. The man observed her, then walked over to her side.

"Couldn't sleep?" Luke asked.

Raina shook her head. "No. You?" She asked.

"No. I have quite a lot on my mind." He said quietly.

He paused observing her, looking her up and down. Raina felt herself blush.

"What are you wearing?" He asked.

Raina's eyes widened. She removed her arms from the railing. She looked down at her robe and back to Luke.

"Umm. . .I saw it in my closet. I only was wanting something to cover myself. I know Jedi aren't supposed to wear this sort of thing, but-"

Luke smiled understandingly at her, shaking his head and putting his hand out.

"Raina, its quite alright. It looks nice on you."

Raina felt herself blush at the comment. Luke turned away from her and looked at the city. Raina leaned against the railing once more. She cleared her throat.

"What's on your mind?" She asked.

"Tomorrow we're going to the Old Jedi Temple. My father, Obi-Wan, and Yoda all spent most of their time there I'm sure." Luke said.

"And? Why does that bother you?" She asked.

"It doesn't exactly bother me. It's just exciting I guess." He told her.

"Oh. I see. I suppose that would be exciting." She said.

"I want to try and find some information on my father. I want to know what he was like before he turned into Vader. I would also love to find out about my mother." He said.

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