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Raina's POV.

Raina sat awake all night. She couldn't stop thinking about Luke. Did he really feel the same way about her? He must have since he admitted he wanted to kiss her. Finally she fell asleep, but soon she began dreaming.

Soon Raina saw herself sitting on a bedside in a medical bay. Luke was sitting up in the bed. The right side of face had fresh scars. He seemed to have been attacked by something. His eyes were filled with concern, frustration and confusion.
"What I don't understand is why. Why would you risk your life for me." He asked looking at her. "I told you. Your my friend." She said. "I know, but Han was already going out there. You could have stayed behind and waited with Leia and the others, but you didn't. You went with Han, to find me. Why, Raina?" He asked calmly.

She felt as if he was staring into her soul. "Because I..." "...Because you what?" He asked softly. "I..." She looked up at him.

He was looking at her deeply

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He was looking at her deeply. He began to lean in. She followed suit. Their lips were centimeters away.

Suddenly a loud beeping sounded. The two turned their heads and saw R2 coming up next to them. Raina felt her cheeks heat up. Her stomach felt as if it were filled with butterflies. "Master Luke it's so good to see you fully functional again." 3PO's voice chimed in.

The scene changed.

Raina was standing facing the ghost of her former Master.
"I'm sorry Master. I just can't risk Luke turning to the dark side because of me." She told her sadly. "If he turns it will not be your fault. You see, even without you in his life there is a Hugh chance that he may. If you were in his life, he would have more of a chance of staying in the light." Master Ashoka told her. "What? Why?" She asked. "Luke is closer to this situation than you know. You see. . . Darth Vader is Luke's father." She revealed. Raina gasped.
"Does Luke know?" She asked. Ashoka nodded. "He does now. He just learned his true heritage a year ago on Bespin and had it confirmed a day ago."

It was late at night and Raina and Luke were sitting on a wooden bench made out of a log. The scenery looked like Endor.
"Raina, I have to leave for a while." Luke said looking down. Her eyebrows furrowed. "What? Why?" She asked. He took a deep breath. "Vader's here, on Endor. I have to face him." Raina knew that it was true. She looked down. "I know." She whispered. "What?" He asked in confusion. "I know you have to face him." She repeated.

Raina was breathing heavily. Her senses felt heightened and her lips tingled. She was smiling. Luke leaned his forehead against hers. "I love you." He blurted out. Raina opened her eyes and looked up at him. She couldn't speak. Had he just said what she thought he had said? The two stood up straight. "You what?" She smiled. He looked into her eyes. "I love you, Raina."

She smiled and went to kiss him again. He reluctantly stopped her. "Raina. Wait." He said. "What?" She asked. "I love you it's true, but there's a reason it's against the code." He said. Raina's smile fell. "Look. I'm not saying being inlove is a bad thing. In my opinion it can make you stronger. It makes other people stronger in life and during struggles, but it can also be a weakness." He said. She looked down. She knew what was coming.

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