A Feeling

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Raina's POV.

Raina ran out of the inn. She began to walk quickly across the dirt road. She wiped some tears from her face. Raina came to a stop at the creek. She stared at the clear blue water. The gurgling sound of the water gave her a lonely feeling.

Why did it have to be this way? Why couldn't everything gone the way it was planned? It wasn't fair. First she lost the love of of her life and now she had lost her best friend. She felt so alone. If only they didn't feel so deeply for one another, then everything would be alright.

As Raina was standing there she began to feel something. No. Someone. She looked around her. There was no one. Raina furrowed her eyebrows. What was it that she was feeling? She didn't recognize the Force signature, but it was strong.

Raina heard a young mans voce call out. "Mother! Where do you want this?"

Raina turned to see a young boy, about sixteen years of age, beside his home, carrying what looked like wire fencing.

A woman with brown hair stood watching him. She pointed at the ground. "Right there. Make it long enough for me to plant some loquat."

She told him. He nodded. Was he what she was feeling?

Raina walked over to the two. The woman watched her.

"Good evening!" Raina greeted.

"Good evening to ya'. What can we do for you?" She asked.

The boy watched her carefully, probably curious about who she was.

"I'm Raina Starlight. I've been traveling for a long while and I was wondering if I could trouble you for some food." Raina said.

She decided she would test them first. The woman looked to her son.

She then smiled and looked back at Raina. "Well, of course. Come on in."

Raina smiled.

"Thank you." She followed the woman.

"Jace after your done with that come in and join us!" She shouted.

"Yes ma'am!" He yelled.

"Oh and bring in some fresh water!" He nodded.

Raina continued to follow the woman into her home.

They walked into her kitchen.

"Come and sit down." The woman smiled.

Raina sat and watched as the woman brought some food to the table.

"So wherever are you from dear?" She asked.

"Coruscant." She answered.

"Oh my! Whatever are you doing so far from your home planet?"

"I came here with a friend. We are in a search for something." She told her.

The woman brought a jug of blue milk to her. She began pouring it in a cup.

"In search for what, might I ask?"

Raina felt she should wait to tell the woman until she was certain.

"A rare treasure." She told her.

The woman nodded. "I see. Have you been successful?" She asked, handing the cup to Raina.

The woman sat down.

Raina took a piece of bread and tore it. She placed it on a plate.

"So far no, but I feel that we are closer than ever to finding it." She smiled.

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