Last Chance

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Surprise! New POV! You will understand why this POV is so important after reading.

Jacen's POV.

Jacen sat in the medical center's waiting room waiting to hear about his master. He had been here for two hours. Jacen buried his head in his hands.

Two hours ago he was walking out of the bar and on his way to the ship, when suddenly Master Starlight screamed at him. He didn't know it, but two speakers were coming right for him. Without time to move he knew he was going to be hit and most likely die, but out of no where he was pushed out of the way and onto the muddy ground. Immediately he heard a crash and looked up in horror.

Master Starlight lay there in the street, blood covering her face and body. Half of her body was under the gold speeder. The two speeders had wrecked into one another, when the one in front hit Raina and the one behind ran into the speeder in front.

Jacen shouted in horror. "No!"

He scrambled to his feet and ran over to the scene. People were gathered around asking the drivers and one-another questions. Jacen bent down to her. She was moaning and very much out of it.

"Master Starlight." He called to her, trying to keep her awake.

Her eyes began closing.

"No! Master Starlight stay with me! Raina!" He called.

Soon the medics showed up and placed her in a medical transport. He went with her. He had never seen her like this. Jacen held her hand and called to her trying to keep her awake, but couldn't. Soon her eyes closed and she blacked out.

Once they had gotten to the medical center they took her back.

It had been two hours and Jacen was growing impatient. He tried to focus his mind on he room she was in, trying to see what was happening, but he couldn't he wasn't strong enough yet.

As he sat there waiting he began to wonder how Master Skywalker would take it if Master Raina didn't make it? Being Grand Master he would probably be the steadiest person through the whole ordeal. He and Raina had never been that close anyway. At least they never seemed close. Actually they seemed to avoid each other a lot.

Just then a nurse case out and called Jacen. He stood and walked over to her.

"Is Master Starlight alright? Is she going to be okay?" He asked in concern and worry.

"We aren't sure yet. She made it through the surgery fine, but she's very weak. All we can do now is wait and hope for the best. If I were you, I would give her family a call and let them know the circumstances." The nurse told him sadly.

Jacen nodded and looked down. Her family. She didn't have any that he knew of, but she did have close friends. Jacen looked up.

"May I see her first?" He asked.

The nurse nodded. "She is still asleep, but if she wakes let us know."

Jacen nodded and followed her to Master Raina's room. She opened the door and let him in. Jacen walked over to the bed and saw his master lying there with cords attached to her body. She had bruises and cuts all over her face and arms.

Jacen walked over to her side.

"Master? Master Starlight?" He whispered.

She didn't awake. The steady beep of the heart monitor kept on.

He sighed.

"In case you don't wake up. I just want to tell you that. . .you have been the best master anyone could ever have. And I am very thankful." Jacen whispered.

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