Together Again

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Raina's POV.

Raina walked up to the Millennium Falcon to find Han and Luke talking.

"Hey boys. What's up?" She asked.

Han and Luke turned to look at her.

Han smiled widely. "Hey Raina! I haven't seen you around in a while. Luke tells me your comin' with us."

Raina nodded. "Yep."

"Well that's great! At least Leia won't be the only girl." Han said.

Raina's eyes lit up. "Leia's coming?"

Han nodded. "I asked her to go with us yesterday. She said yes."

Raina smiled.
"That's great! Where is she?" She asked Han.

"She's inside the Falcon. You can go on up if you want."

"I think I will. Do you mind?" She asked Luke.

He was her master after all and had first say.

He smiled at her and nodded. "Sure go ahead."

Raina walked up the ramp and into the Falcon. She walked into the room where the table and seats were. She looked over to the round table and saw Leia sitting down. Raina walked over to her.

"Hey Leia!" She smiled.

Leia looked over at Raina and jumped up to hung her. After their hug Leia smiled widely at Raina. They both sat down.

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in weeks!" Leia exclaimed.

"I know. I've missed you guys so much." Raina said.

"So Luke tells me your his new Padawan." Leia said.

"That's right." Raina answered happily.

"That's wonderful. So we'll have two Jedi protecting us." Leia smiled.

Raina laughed. "You don't need us. You've done pretty well handling crisis yourself you know."

Leia nodded in agreement. "I am pretty good with a blaster."

The two smiled. Raina missed talking to another girl. It had been too long.

"I'm glad to finally be able to talk to a girl. It's hard only being surrounded by testosterone." Raina said in discussed.

Leia laughed at Raina's comment.

"I agree. It's nice to be able to talk to you again. I've really missed hanging out with you like we used to. It seems like after the Battle of Hoth we kinda grew apart." Leia said.

Raina nodded in agreement.
"I know. And thats on me. After I left Luke on Degobah. . .I kind of pushed everyone away. I'm not even as close to Han as I used to be, but
I intend on fixing all that. Your my best friend Leia and always will be." Raina smiled.

Leia raised her eyebrow at Raina. "What about Luke?" She asked.

Raina rolled her eyes.
"He is my best friend, but he's also a guy. He doesn't understand things that you do. I can't talk to him about some things like I can with you. Your my girl best friend." Raina smiled.

Leia smiled as well. "I like that. I'm so glad you and Luke are close. He needs someone to anchor him and you've always been that person. As his sister, I thank you."

Raina looked down and then back up. She smiled warmly at Leia.
"Your welcome."

"Okay girls. We're ready for take off!" Han shouted while walking into the cockpit.

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