The Search

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Raina's POV.

Raina woke up early in the morning. The sun was just beginning to rise. It had been a week since she had become a full Jedi. Raina and Luke were going to be traveling to Grange today to try and find a knew padawan. Raina hoped they would be successful in finding a padawan.

Raina got dressed and walked out of her room. She sensed that Luke was in the meditation room. She walked through the temple until she came to the chapel. The mechanical door came up and she walked in.

She found Luke standing in front of the large window. The blinds were open, letting the first rays of sunlight bath the room. The sun shown threw Luke's golden hair. It almost sparkled. She watched silently as his shoulders went up and down. He was breathing slowly. She opened her mouth to announce herself, but was interrupted.

"Good morning, Raina." Luke spoke smoothly.

"Morning. I'm sorry to interrupt." She apologized.

He shook his head, still turned from her. "No. It's alright. I had just finished." He answered.

"You seem. . .troubled." Raina concluded.

She heard Luke sigh softly.

"It's nothing. Just. . .nerves I guess."

He turned to her with a humorous smile. "You'd think by now I'd be used to all of this."

Raina grinned and shook her head. "Even Jedi masters can be nervous sometimes. Your only human."

Luke grinned and looked down. "I just hope I can do this." He said.

Raina walked up to him. "You aren't alone."

He looked up at her and they locked eyes. He seemed to be searching her eyes for something. She tried to tell him how sincere she was through her eyes.

He must have understood because his face softened and he nodded. "I know."

She couldn't help, but reach out and touch his arm, but as soon as her hand made contact Luke jerked away. She froze confused and surprised as to why he reacted hat way.

He cleared his throat. "We should be going."

She stared at him for a moment then nodded. "Right. We should." She agreed.

Why and he jumped like that? She was only trying to be a good friend. Things seemed to be getting worse and worse between them.

Luke, Raina and Artoo went to the space port and found their docking bay. Luke had some how gotten the New Republic to give them their old X-Wings. Raina made a note to herself to ask him about it later.

As soon as Raina saw her ship she smiled widely. She walked up to it and put her hand on its nose. She admired how great it looked. Although it had some dings and scuffs from different battles, it was still in fine condition.

Raina sighed contently. "She's exactly how I left her. And the pint job looks great!" She exclaimed, admiring her work.

Luke walked over to his own X-wing and patted its side. "It's good the see this old thing again."

Artoo rolled up next to Luke and beeped.

Luke chuckled. "No Artoo. Don't worry we're not going to Dagobah again."

Raina giggled at the little droid. The two loaded their ships and got ready for take off.

"Fire up the engines Artoo!" Luke ordered.

After getting her ship warmed up Raina climbed down the latter and stood in front of Luke.

"You ready?" He asked.

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