Visions and Negotiations

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Luke's POV.

Luke was in the Hall of Records doing some research about the Jedi. As much as he had already learned about the Jedi Luke still felt that there was quite a lot of missing pieces. He still didn't feel like his new order was built on solid ground.

Luke needed to know more to be able to answer any questions his new apprentices would ask. He couldn't just answer with 'Well, that's just the way it's done.' Or 'I'm exactly sure. There must be a reason other wise the Jedi wouldn't have put it into practice.' Those answers were just unacceptable.

Another thing that concerned Luke was that he possibly wasn't taught everything. He only trained a short time with Yoda. In the Old Jedi Order Jedi would train from when they were children to when they were adults. Sometimes Luke wondered how he could even be a Jedi with such little training.

Soon Artoo cane rolling to him. He beeped. Luke raised his eyebrows and tore his eyes from the screen.

"Yes Artoo? What is it?"

Artoo beeped a response.

"Leia's calling?"

Artoo beeped in affirmation.

Luke furrowed his eyebrows.

"What is she doing calling me? She's supposed to be on her honeymoon with Han." He thought out loud.

Luke looked at the droid and nodded. "I better go see what it is."

Luke shut down the data banks and walked out. He went into his room and answered the holo. Leia appeared looking as if something was on her mind.

He smiled at his sister.

"Hey, Leia what are you doing calling me? Shouldn't you be spending every waking moment with your new husband?" Luke teased.

Leia blushed and rolled her eyes. "He can live without me for a few minutes to let me talk to my brother."

Luke smiled.

"So what's going on?" He asked.

Leia sighed. "Well, I got a call from Mon-Mothma this morning and she-"

"Your kidding. Mon-Mothma called you on your honeymoon?" Luke asked in disbelief.

Leia sighed and looked at Luke in annoyance. "Yes she did."

"And I'm guessing it wasn't to ask how the food is on Corellia." Luke guessed, annoyed that political issues had once again disrupted his sisters life.

He couldn't believe Mon-Mothma had called Leia. And on her honeymoon! Leia looked down.

"No. It was about the Hutt's"

Luke breathed a incredulous laugh and nodded.

" 'Course. What about it?"

"They've finally come up with a plan to get the Hutt's out of power in the Outer Rim. Negotiation." She said.

"Negotiation." Luke repeated.

"They called you. . .during your honeymoon. . .to tell you that they've decided to negotiate. . .with the Hutt's?" He asked trying to stifle his anger.

They were so inconsiderate. His sister couldn't even have a honeymoon without having to deal with politics.

"It's not just about the negotiations, Luke. Mon-Mothma believes that it would be best if the New Republic sent. . .a Jedi." Leia told him carefully.

Luke stared at her. "They want a Jedi to go to Nal Hutta and Negotiate with the Hutt's as a representative of the Republic? He asked to clarify.

Leia nodded.

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