Trusting You

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Raina's POV.


"Raina, can you hear me?"

Raina slowly batted her eyes open and looked around. Her vision was clouded, but soon it returned to normal. She was lying in her bedroom at the lake house.

"Raina?" A worried masculine voice spoke.

She turned her head to her left and was met by a very worried Luke.

A look of relief came over his face when he saw she was awake. "Oh my Stars! Thank goodness!"

She sat up against her headboard, trying to get her bearings. Her mind was spinning from all that she had experienced and learned. Everything was coming together. It was as if her mind was completely clear for the first time in months! She could remember everything!

Obi-wan, the Death Star, Darth Vader, Alderaan, falling in love with Luke, Hoth, Yoda, her vision, leaving Degobah, seeing Luke again, The Battle Of Endor, her training with Luke, the Temple, Han and Leia's wedding, becoming a Jedi Knight, Jacen and her accident...then she recalled the reason for her accident. Luke.

No he hadn't caused it, but he had been on her mind and had refused to come with her. He pushed her away for months and at one point almost ended their friendship. And for what? His fear of attachment. Raina was so caught up in her own thoughts that she missed what Luke had been saying.

". . .Boy, did you gave me a scare!"
Luke chuckled as he held her hand.

"I remember." She whispered, staring ahead.

"What?" He asked.

"I remember. . .everything." She said almost numbly.

Luke stared at her in shock. Soon a smile formed on his face. "That's amazing! Raina, I can't believe it!" He said standing.

She glanced at him, but turned back. She stared into nothingness, as she remembered back.

"You left me."

Luke's smile dropped.


Raina avoided looking at him.
"You left me." She repeated. Her voice shook as she spoke, sounding angry and hurt.
"You refused to go with me and left me. . .to carry out the mission alone." 

Realizing what she was talking about Luke sat down somberly. "Raina I-"

"No!. . .no." She shook her head, taking a deep breath. "I told you, Luke. I told you I felt something was wrong. That if we separated for the mission something would happen, but you didn't care. All you cared about. . .all you ever care about is staying away from me! Because I'm dangerous to you!"

Luke interrupted her. "That's not true! You've never been and never will be dangerous to me." He said firmly.

"Then why avoid me? Why fear attachment to me?" She asked.

Luke sighed. "We talked about this. It was never about you. It was me. All me." He said wearily. "You were never the one I feared. I feared myself."

"But why? You're not Vader, Luke! You never will be, nor could you be. Not anymore."

Luke was silent.

Raina shook her head.
"Do you know how long I waited for you?"

Luke looked down.

"Do you know how long I waited to finally be able to love you and be held by you and to kiss you? I waited years, Luke. Years. I had been waiting for you since the Battle of Yavin!" She exclaimed.

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