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Raina's POV.

The day finally came for Raina and Luke to leave and go back to Coruscant. Over the last two days he and Raina had cherished their time together. They wouldn't be able to be alone this way for a while.

The day they returned to Coruscant they were greeted by Leia, Han, Jacen and little Lysa. As Luke and Raina jumped out of their x-wings they met with each other on the ground. After getting Artoo down they joined hands and walked to their greeting party.

Leia immediately looked down at their joined hands and smiled. She looked back up. Luke had gently released Raina's hand as she jogged up to greet Leia.

She immediately hugged her.
Leia laughed, happily. The two women parted and smiled at each other, holding onto one another's forearms.

"How was the trip?" Leia smiled.

Raina laughed. "It was wonderful! I regained my memory!" She exclaimed.

"I know! Luke told me! That's incredible!" Leia exclaimed.

Raina nodded. "I know. I'm just so glad not to feel in the dark about everything anymore."

Raina stepped away to great Jason, letting Luke great his sister. "Leia. . ." She heard him begin happily, as the two siblings embraced.

Raina stood in front of her padawan. He was looking down in what seemed as shame. Raina read his emotions and came to the conclusion that he felt guilty for something.

"Jacen?" She asked curiously.

He looked up. "Hello, Master."

She smiled kindly at him. "I feel distress in you, Jace. What's wrong?"

Jason looked down in shame. "Master Starlight, forgive me. You know now just as well as I do that your accident was entirely my fault. I was careless and I wasn't focusing at all on my surroundings like you taught me too."

Raina smiled gently at him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I do not blame you for what happened, Jason. It was an accident that could have happened to anyone. And as for not focusing. . .as Jedi we are to learn from our mistakes. Making mistakes isn't always bad. It is the only way we learn."

Jason nodded giving her a weak smile. She patted his shoulder and hugged him.

Suddenly she felt something pulling on leather jacket pants. She looked down to see Lysa smiling up at her.

She crouched down, smiling. "Hello Lysa."

"Hi, Master Starlight. Was your trip fun?" She asked.

Raina smiled down at her. "It was very fun. I got to ride equines and see waterfalls!" She told the child.

Lysa beamed. Just then she looked up passed Raina. She was distracted. Raina glanced behind herself and saw Luke approaching them. She grinned knowingly. Raina stood, knowing the girl would want to see Luke.

Luke crouched down in front of the little girl. "Why, hello Lysa."

She smiled brightly, her eyes lighting up. "Hello, Master Skywalker!"

"What made you come with Princess Leia and Jacen?" Luke asked, grinning.

Lysa looked down shyly, playing with her robe. "I wanted to see you. Oh, and Master Starlight."

Raina smiled, as did Luke. "Well I'm very happy you did come with them." He answered.

The little girls head popped up and she smiled widely. "Did you have a nice time?" She asked him.

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