Late Nights

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Raina's POV.

After walking all the way up the wooden stairs, then from bridge to bridge and up more stairs, they finally reached the village square.

Raina was amazed by what she saw. It was a quaint village square with a fire in the center and small tree huts surrounding it. What really excited her were the creatures inhabiting he small treetop village. They were plump, furry little creatures with different brown colored fur and furry round faces. They looked similar to the stuffed animals Raina had owned as a child.

Soon the creatures noticed the three and froze. Raina's smile faded and she glanced over at Luke. He caught her eye.

'Just wait.' He told her through the Force.

Suddenly the creatures jumped up in excitement and cheered. Some even ran to the visitors. A few wrapped their arms around Luke and Raina's legs. Raina laughed and smiled widely as Luke greeted them joyfully. Artoo was being fawned over as well and seemed to be enjoying the attention.

Raina leaned over to Luke. "What's happening?" She asked.

He smiled. "They're welcoming us back to their tribe."

"Welcoming us back? But- When-"

"I'll explain it to you later."

After they had been greeted and escorted into the town square, the chief apparently ordered that a feast be held in their honor.

As the dinner was being prepared, the creatures bustled about. R2D2 took off with some of the creatures to entertain them. They seemed to be children. Luke and Raina stood back by a hut watching the whole scene.

"What are they?" She asked him quietly, not taking her yes of the inhabitants.

"Ewoks. They helped us win the battle of Endor against the Empire." He explained.

Raina nodded, watching the Ewok children poke, prod and look at R2D2.

"They're inquisitive little creatures aren't they?"

Luke chuckled. "You have no idea."

Just then the chief ordered the feast to begin. Everyone sat on the floor around the food that was laid out and began to eat.

By dusk the feast was over, but the celebration commenced. Cheerful tribal music echoed throughout the forest. The Ewoks danced in the firelight and played their own native festive games.

Raina and Luke sat on a log together watching the sight. As she watched, she began recalling things. Memories. Feelings. She had experienced this before. The dancing, music and celebration. It had happened before. Right here. In this very village.

The night had been full of joy and life. Only for her it had been a sad. She had felt. . .lonesome and heartbroken, but why?

Suddenly more memories came flooding her mind.

"You're not planing on coming back are you?" Raina asked stepping away from Luke.

He looked down silently.

"Luke you can't do this! I need you! You need to teach me to become a Jedi. Your the only chance I have left."

"You can learn. You have the potential. I've left everything that I learned with, in my x-wing back at fleet. You will learn and will be an amazing Jedi."

"I can't loose you! Your my best friend and I love. . ." She stopped herself.

She had almost admitted the truth to him and she wasn't going to tell him now. Not when he was possibly going to face Vader.

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