A Royal Birthday

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Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in a long time. I've had a bit of writers block, but it's gone now. I really hope you enjoy this chapter. It's most possibly one of my favorites. Please comment and let me know what you think:)

Raina's POV.

Raina walked to the market to get groceries. The city was bustling. It was much busier than usual. Raina decided to ask as to why. When buying some fresh fruit, Raina asked the merchant why the capital seemed so busy. 

"Tis the princess Leia's birthday this day, madam Jedi." The older woman answered.

Raina was surprised she had not heard anything from Luke. Then she realized that if it was Leia's birthday it must have been Luke's as well! Raina smiled kindly at the woman and grabbed her brown bag full of fresh groceries.

"Thank you ma'am. Good day."

The woman smiled and nodded. "Good day."

When Raina got back to the temple she was greeted by an excited R2 unit. She smiled.

"Good morning Artoo! Is Luke awake yet?" She asked.

Artoo beeped back a positive response.

Raina smiled widely and nodded. "Thanks Artoo."

Raina headed for the Jedi museum where Artoo had said Luke was. when Raina walked into the large room she found Luke crouched down on the floor looking through some boxes.

"Guess you weren't going even bother telling me." She spoke.

Luke's head shot up and he turned his head back to look at her.

"Hey, I didn't know you had gotten back." He stood up and brushed off his black trousers.

"I got back from the market just now. Now, when we're going to tell me?" She asked.

His eyebrows scrunched together. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." She said with her hands on her hips.

He shook his head and crossed his arms. "No, Raina. I'm afraid I really don't."

Raina eyed him intently and searched his feelings. After she was done she found that he really didn't know anything. She Raina tilted her head to the side slightly and hummed a short noise. Luke raised his eyebrows at her after she had finished searching him.

"So now that you've ceased your interrogation, will you please enlighten me on as to what I didn't tell you?" He asked.

Raina's face colored slightly as she realized that she had jumped to conclusions.

"Well, I was in the market place and noticed that the streets and skyways were much more crowded than usual. I asked a merchant why this was and she explained that it was the princess's birthday."

Luke's eyebrows raised them they furrowed. He looked to the side, his eyes going back and forth as if trying to figure out something.

She continued.
"And naturally I assumed that it was yours as well, since Leia is your twin sister." Raina explained.

Luke looked at her with his eyebrows scrunched together. He shook his head.

"No. As a matter of fact I've been so busy with Jedi business and the rebellion that I haven't even thought about my birthday in years. If I remember correctly I was born. . ."

Luke seemed to begin to calculate in his mind when his birthday was.

He looked back at Raina.
"You know what? If my memory serves correct my birthday was five days ago."

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