No Longer Alone

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Luke's POV.

The next day Luke went to the market place where Raina and Jacen had gone the day before. He eventually found the booth she had found the necklace at. Luke stood at the booth and dragged his eyes across the table. Soon he found it. The emerald necklace.

Luke picked it up carefully and held the thin gold chain between his thumb and index finger. He inspected the necklace carefully. It was flawless.

Just as he was about to call over the salesclerk she came over to him. "This necklace caught the eye of a young lady yesterday. It's definitely a popular selection."

Luke nodded looking from her to the necklace which he held more relaxed now.

"How much are you selling it for?" He asked. "Five hundred credits." The woman answered.

Luke looked down in thought. It was a lot of money. Did he still want to get it? Yes. He had to get it for her.

"I'll take it." He answered, looking up.

The woman smiled. She took the necklace and placed it in a small blue box. Luke handed her the credits and she took them. She handed him the box. He put it in his pocket, thanked her and went on his way.

Again at dinner Raina seemed down. She talked a little more and stayed until they were all finished, but immediately after she told them she was going to go meditate and go to bed. Luke had already made up his mind that he would give it to her in private.

Luke stayed up later to work on some applications that has been sent to him. Apparently news was getting around that the Jedi were back and that Luke was looking for students.

Suddenly Luke felt a familiar presence coming towards the office. He immediately knew it was Raina, but instead of stopping at his door she kept walking. Luke cracked his door open and watched as she made her way to the elevator.

She had a dark lavender silk robe on with lavender lace trim on it. Her hair hung loosely off her shoulders. He could sense she couldn't sleep. He closed the door and went back to work.

A few minutes later Luke began wondering what Raina had been doing. Or where she was going. He wondered why she couldn't sleep.

Finally Luke decided to look for her. He went to the elevator and went to each floor. She was no where to be found.

Finally he went up to the Contemplation Gardens. When the doors opened he walked into the small hall and opened the doors to the garden. Luke felt her presence. She was here.

He walked a bit until he saw her figure leaning against the concrete railing and looking out onto Coruscant. He briefly remembered a time when they had first come to Coruscant when he had found her looking out onto the city at the palace. A breeze gently blew her hair. Both her forearms laid on the concrete barrier. She seemed to be in deep thought. He walked closer to her. He stood only a few feet behind her.

Raina's POV.

Raina couldn't sleep. She had tried multiple times, but she had too much on her mind. Her passed, her parents, her lost memory, the future, Master Skywalker. . .it was all just too much.

Raina leaned against the wide concrete railing and stared out onto the beautiful city. It was poetic in a way. As a child she had looked out on Coruscant with wonder. Everything always seemed, alive, new and exciting, but now it all just seemed so chaotic, busy, confused and crowded. Almost like she felt. Exactly like she felt. Had she always felt this way? Had the last five years been full of this feeling? Or was she only just feeling this now?

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