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Raina's POV.

The next day Raina, Luke and Artoo went to Jacen's home. They knocked on the door and it was answered by Jacen's mother. Raina and Luke smiled.

"Good morning Mrs. Rehala." Raina greeted.

She nodded to them both.

Good morning To you both. Please, do come in." She smiled.

Raina and Luke walked in as she closed the door.

"Mrs. Rehala I must apologize for my charade the other night. You see, I didn't want to reveal the truth to you until I was sure that your son was Force sensitive." Raina told her.

Mrs. Rehala nodded and smiled. "I understand. I must say I am very honored that you sought my son out." She smiled warmly.

Raina smiled back. She heard Luke clear his throat. Raina's eyes widened as she realized she had not yet introduced Luke.

"Oh! Mrs. Rehala I would like you to meet Master Luke Skywalker." She introduced.

Mrs. Rehala smiled at Luke and shook his hand. He bowed his head.

"It is an honor to meet you, Master Skywalker."

He smiled. "The honor is mine I assure you."

Artoo beeped, gaining everyone's attention.

Luke chuckled. "And this is our loyal droid R2D2."

Mrs. Rehala chuckled at the droid. "Hello R2D2."

Artoo beeped again.

Mrs. Rehala lead them all into her kitchen.

"Please sit. I have some refreshments for you."

Raina and Luke sat at the kitchen table. Jacen's mother put some fresh fruit and bread on the table along with a pitcher of water and two glasses.

"Thank you." Luke said politely.

Mrs. Rehala nodded and sat down.

Luke soon began to speak. "Mrs. Rehala, Raina believes he is strong with the Force and I myself can feel that it is strong within him. We believe he has the ability to be a very strong Jedi."

Mrs. Rehala nodded unfazed.

Luke looked at her in confusion.
"I'm curious. . .you don't seem shocked that we are Jedi, nor do you seem like a disbeliever in the Force, when most are. May I ask why?"

Jacen's Mother looked down. "My older brother Galen Erso was a genius even as child. My parents recognized his talent immediately. They supplied him with anything and everything to grow his mind. Soon he was out learning all the other children including me."

Mrs. Rehala took a breath. "One day some Jedi came to Grange the same as you to search for Force sensitives. They encountered my brother by happenstance and  believed him to be strong with the Force. Which explained why he was always able to focus and see something before putting it down on paper. It wasn't just an idea it was a vision." She sighed.

"They went to my parents and requested that Galen go back with them to Coruscant and become a Jedi. They told hem that Galen was strong with the Force. My parents on the other hand didn't want Galen to leave. They had always believe he would be successful and become a famous inventor/genius. The Jedi tried to persuade my parents, but my mother especially wouldn't have it. So they left without Galen."

"My parents hadn't known, but Galen had wanted to go with them. He believed that he was meant for more than just. . .genius. He wanted to be more, but because he was only child he stayed behind. Through the rest of his life he was always getting into trouble, not knowing which path was right or wrong. We lost contact eventually after he, his wife and daughter moved away, but I heard rumors that he did some terrible things." She told Luke and Raina.

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