Mysterious Presence

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Luke's POV.

It had been a few months since Leia had quit the Jedi. Luke had been very discouraged at the news, but with the support of Raina he was able to regain his confidence.

The academy was flourishing. The students were hard working and they were coming along beautifully. Luke had been thinking about sending the older ones on their own mission together soon. It would be easier for them to go as a group than having Luke or Raina take one at a time.

Raina... Luke didn't know what he would do without her. She was his rock. She knew him better than anyone in the galaxy. He couldn't count the nights they had stayed up till all hours just talking or sometimes even reading just together.

Every moment they spent together was a cherished one. The small, private kisses they shared between classes, the silent walks in the garden, the stolen glances during meals and the private conversation they had through the Force, which had become more and more frequent each day.

After Raina's accident Luke was never going to take a moment of their time together for granted ever again. He thanked the Force that she had finally remembered.

Luke was working on Artoo at the moment. The little droid had fried some circuits after the younger students had played with him recklessly. As Luke worked he shook his head and chuckled. Children. They could be both joys and scoundrels. At this thought he chuckled again. Han must have never grown up then. At least not in Leia's opinion.

Pulling the master out of his thoughts was the voice of Raina.

"I thought I'd find you in here." She giggled.

Luke looked up and smiled. "You weren't wrong."
He glanced over to the table next to her. "Could you bring me that wrench?"

She nodded, picking up the medium sized wrench. She played with it in her hands and walked over to him. Crouching down next to him she handed it to Luke.

"Here you go."

He nodded, offering a smile as he took it. She watched him work in silence for a moment and then spoke up again.

"I still can't believe Alyva, Talee, and Nekén thought it would be a good idea to pile on top of Artoo and ride down the hallways."

Luke laughed. "I doubt they even thought of it possibly being a bad idea. It sounded fun so they did it. If it's fun how could it be bad and if it sounds good how could anything go wrong? Anything is possible."

Raina nodded and smiled. "That does sound like a child's mind."

Luke grinned at her then looked back at his work.

"May I ask a question?"

Luke glanced at her letting Raina know to go on.

"How are you so good with kids?" She asked.

He looked up at her briefly as she continued her inquiry.

"I mean, when you caught the three of them in the hall after crashing into the wall you didn't lose your temper or even act angered. Even with your droid broken. And now you sitting here having to work on Artoo and all you can say about the situation is how funny it is!" She giggled.

He smiled at her and shrugged. "I don't know. I mean there was no real damage done. The wall and Artoo can be fixed easily. Anything broken is only temporary. It can be repaired."
He said.
"Plus. . .their kids. They're still very innocent and most of the time the damage they cause isn't purposeful. They just don't understand."

Luke noticed Ariana staring at him oddly. He grinned at her. "I'm very impressed." She admitted. Luke felt warmth spread through him. He straightened and looked back at the droid. "I remember what it was like being a kid. You mess up. A lot. You need two hands. A firm hand is good, but it can't go without the gentle hand. Balance. Balance is always the answer." He spoke.

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