Meeting Again

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Luke's POV.

Luke and Han walked to Raina's room. The doctor instructed everyone, telling them that they should go on one at a time. Everyone looked at Luke.

"Are you sure?"

They nodded. Luke looked over at Jacen.

"Can I bring someone with me?" He asked.

"Who?" The doctor asked.

"Her padawan."

The doctor looked at Jacen, who was surprised. After a moment he nodded.

"Artoo, you stay out here." Luke instructed.

Artoo beeped.

Jacen and Luke walked into the room.

The doctor announced them. "Raina?"

She looked at the doctor.

There are some people here to see you. Do you think you can see them?"

She nodded.

Luke and Jacen walked in slowly.

Raina was sitting up in her bed. "Hi." She greeted them quietly. She seemed to be feeling a lot better.

"Hi." Luke smiled gently.

The two of them came to stay by her left side.

"Raina? Do you remember Jacen?" He asked her.

Raina looked at Jacen for a moment and shook her head.

She gave an apologetic look. "I'm sorry."

Jacen and Luke both gave warm smiles.

"It's not your fault." Luke assured her. "Raina, this is Jacen Rehala. He's your padawan."

Raina looked at Jacen in confusion. "Padawan? I'm a master?"

Luke nodded.

"Wow, okay."

She shook his hand and smiled. "Well, it's nice to umm. . .see you. . .again?"

Jacen smiled. "I'm glad your alright."

Raina gave a warm smile. "Me too. And thank you."

Luke looked at Jacen. "Do you think I could have a moment alone with Master Starlight?"

Jacen nodded and left the room.

Luke smiled gently at Raina and sat down in a chair. Raina gave him an awkward grin.

"Well, I suppose I need to introduce myself." He smiled.

She breathed a laugh. He offered his hand for her to shake.

"Luke Skywalker." She smiled and shook his hand.

". . .And we were best friends?" Raina asked, remembering what he had said when she woke. She looked doubtful.

Luke felt saddened at her use of the word were.

He gave a small smile.

"Yes. We. . .yes." He answered. "I was also your Master. I finished your training."

Raina smiled kindly. "Well, thank you."

He gave a nod.

After a second her smile turned into a troubled look.

She sighed. "I'm sorry. I wish I could remember, I really do, but I just. . .can't."

Luke frowned. He hated seeing her upset.

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