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Raina's POV.

It had been about four months since Leia and Han had become engaged. Raina was now twenty-two years old.

Raina was walking along He meditation balcony in silence. The balcony was decorated with many different types of plant life. Beautiful trees with brightly colored leaves and flowers spring up around her, while soft green grass carpeted reserved spaces of the balcony.

Raina walked along the stone path and let herself be immersed in the calm surroundings. Raina finally stopped on the path and closed her eyes. A breeze blew her hair gently and the sweet, calming, smell of flower buds from the trees filled her senses.

She breathed in deeply and opened her mind to the Force. She could feel how strong the Force was here. It was as if nature was radiating it all around her. It was exhilarating.

After what seemed like an eternity Raina felt Luke's presence behind her. He was watching her. Raina took a deep breath trying not to feel unnerved by him and spoke calmly.

"The Force is strong here. I can feel it." She informed him.

She heard Luke answer back calmly. "Yes it is. I come here quite offend whenever I'm troubled or in need of peace." He told her.

Raina let a small smile grow on her lips and nodded. She opened her eyes and turned to him. He was still looking at her.

"It's a very calming place." She agreed.

He nodded and looked around. "It's most definitely one of my favorite places to go in the temple."

Raina nodded and gazed out passed the balcony and onto Coruscant. Her mind began to drift.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Luke's voice. "Raina, I have some news." He said with authority.

Raina looked back at him and tilted her head slightly. "What news?" She asked.

"We have been called on our first official Jedi mission." Luke told her.

Raina looked at him in surprise. "Really?" She asked.

He nodded. Luke was acting very strange as of late. He was no longer the fun loving, happy Luke she once knew. Nowadays he always had this straight face on and he never joked around. He wasn't mean or rude to her in anyway. He was kind and calm, but it just seemed to always be business with him.

He also avoided her quite a lot now. Whenever he wasn't teaching her or talking about Jedi business he would spend most of his time in his room or office.

Whenever he would run into her in the halls or the cafeteria he would say a quick hello and make an excuses of why he couldn't talk.

He also wouldn't eat with her anymore. Anytime she would bring up dinner he would make an excuses as to why he couldn't be there. Raina was very tiered of it all.

Luke put his hands behind his back and walked over to a stone bench. He sat down.

"Mon-Mothma contacted Leia and told her that a young princess from Ryloth has been kidnapped by Imperial spies and they have been tracked to Mustifar and are most likely keeping her there." Luke explained.

Raina went to sit down next to Luke.

"Mustifar? Why would they keep her there?" Raina wondered.

"Because Mustifar is an Imperial sympathetic planet. They believe they are safer in their own territory. Which they are." Luke explained.

Raina nodded. "I see. Why did they take her? What do they want?" She asked.

"They want to bargain with the New Republic. Ships,supplies and sixteen-hundred credits for King Cazne and Queen Daesha's daughter and only heir. If they don't get it in seventy-eight hours they will kill her publicly." Luke told Raina.

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