The Truth

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Raina's POV.

Raina woke up early the next morning. She dreaded having to see Luke. To avoid him Raina got up and got ready. She then went to the cantina across the street to eat. Midway through her meal she saw someone walk through the door. It was Luke. He seemed as if he was looking for someone. Most likely her.

Raina set her fork down and wiped her mouth with her napkin. She looked around the room for a way to make a quick exit. Luke went over to the bartender and began to ask him something. Raina began to feel panicked as the bartender began to glance around the room. Luke had asked about her. How could he have known she'd be in here this early in the day?

Raina got up and quickly walked towards the exit. She was almost out the door, when a hand grabbed her arm. She turned her head to see Luke looking down at her.

"We need to talk." He told her seriously.

She sighed and nodded reluctantly.

The two of them walked over to a booth and sat down. Lively music was playing in the background. Raina stared at the ground. She really didn't want to talk to him right now. She heard Luke sigh.

"Listen, Raina-"

"What's there to listen to? You made your point pretty clear last night. We can't be together. There's nothing that will ever change that." She said.

Luke looked down. She could feel how hurt and sad he was.

". . .And we can't be friends anymore because we can't be together and we don't have self control. I get it."

Luke opened his mouth to say something, but Raina interrupted him, wanting to end this conversation. She needed to go meet Jacen anyway.

"Let's just forget that anything ever between us and move on." She said coldly.

Luke looked at her with a surprised expression.

"Your asking me to do something that's impossible." He told her.

Raina stared at him in anger. Tears acne to her eyes and she shook her head. She breathed a hurt and angered laugh.

"So what? We just live the rest of our lives in pain remembering it all? Is that what you want?" She asked.

"Raina you don't understand-"

"Yes I do! You don't want us to be together, yet won't allow me to move on and stop hurting all because of your own selfish feelings!" She accused.

"Raina that's not true! I-"

Raina shook her head and stood. "Look I've got to go. I have a lead on a Force sensitive. I'll let you know what I find."

She walked out, leaving Luke alone.

It was almost noon. Raina walked to the creek near Jacen's home. She saw that he was already standing there.

"You actually showed up." He called without turning around.

Raina smirked. He was definitely Force sensitive. Though he could have heard her footsteps.

"Why wouldn't I have come?" She asked walking down the small hill to him.

He turned around to face her with his hands in his brown leather jacket pockets.

"I don't know because you don't want me to know the truth." He said.

Raina chuckled. "Actually Mr. Rehala it's quite the contrary. I'm actually very relieved to finally tell you the truth. Though, you may not be please with my confession." She said.

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