Making Plans

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Raina's POV.

"How did he do it?" Leia asked. Raina looked at Luke who was sitting next to her. He smiled lovingly at her. "He took me out to dinner and then we went to Capital Park. And he. . .proposed." She explained simply.

Leia smiled and glanced at her brother. "Awe that's so sweet. It sure took you long enough."

Luke smiled in amusement and rolled his eyes.

"Well, all I can say is, it's about time." Han began, sitting on the couch with his arm wrapped around Leia's shoulder. "You kid's have been making googoo eyes at each other for years. We've all just been waitin' for the day."

The young couple both smiled and blushed.

"When are you planning on having the wedding?" Leia asked.

The two looked at one another. "In the Spring." Raina answered.

Leia's eyes lit up. "Oh how lovely! It'll be just beautiful! We can have it here at the palace or even at the temple. Wherever you want. Oh and you know everyone will come! The first Jedi wedding! This will be wonderful for the New Republic!. . ." Leia went on.

Raina began to feel as if the walls were closing in in her. A public wedding? On Coruscant? It was all too much. Having enough Raina stood abruptly. "Excuse me. I need some air."

Walking out of the palace living room and onto the balcony, Raina left the left the others. Taking a deep breath she stared out at the glowing skyline.

Chilly wind blew past her. She wrapped her arms around herself. Her leather jacket was warm, but the wind made the air even colder. At the moment she appreciated the cold. The freezing air entered her throat and filled her lungs, causing her to feel fresh and alive. It cleared her mind.

She heard the balcony doors open behind her and immediately knew who it was without having to turn around.

"I just needed some air." She said quietly.

"I know. That's what you said." Luke's soothing voice answered from behind her.

Quiet surrounded them for a moment. Speeder engines being the only thing heard in the distance.

Luke was the first to brake the silence. "Look, Raina. . . if you're having second thoughts-"

Snapping her heading to the side, she cut him off. "I'm not."

His mouth shut.

Closing her eyes Raina gathered her thoughts. "I'm not. I just. . . I want our wedding to be something special and meaningful. A ceremony celebrating the convenient of our love. Not a promotional stunt for the New Republic."

Luke walked to stand in front of her. He reached his hand out to hold her own. "I know you do and so do I."

"Then why can't we have the wedding we want?" Raina asked sadly.

"We can."

"No we can't, Luke. You heard Leia. It will be great for the New Republic. Bring everyone hope." She repeated.

"I'll talk to Leia. She's just excited right now. I'm sure she'll understand." He assured his fiancé.

Sighing, Raina nodded.

Luke tentatively laid his hands on the sides of her folded arms.
"Hey, it's gonna be fine, okay?" He whispered comfortingly to her. "You're gonna have your wedding."

Raina looked up letting his smiling gaze. "Our wedding." She corrected.

He gave her a loving look, that made her heart melt, and nodded. "Our wedding."

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