Star Wars Tag!!

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Hey guys! I was tagged by dankat4!
I'm actually really excited about this tag!
Here we go!

1. Favorite Episode?

Without a doubt Episode 6 Return of The Jedi.
It's always been my favorite because in the episode you get to see how much all the characters have grown. I also love it because it's the climax of the three episodes.

2. Favorite Male Character?

My favorite male character is Luke Skywalker. I love him because he is loyal, brave, kind and determined. He is a loving and loyal brother and a loyal friend. As a Jedi he becomes very calm and rational. Although he struggles with patience, he has many many good points. I love his giant heart and how strong his faith in his father was until the end. He also can be quite adorable and funny at times.

3. Favorite Female Character?

I love Padme Amadala. I know she gets a lot of hate, but I don't care. I think she is strong, loyal, and a great leader. She is such a brave and loving woman. She stood by Anakin until the end and even when she was dying she still believed in him. She is also a beautiful woman and I always loved her hair and dresses lol. Also she can hold her own in a battle and is quite witty, just like her daughter;)

4. Favorite Trio?

Han, Luke and Leia! They will always be the original Star Wars trio and in my heart will be the best. They always are looking out for each other and they never give up on each other. I loved how they were all three thrown together through unexpected circumstances and after that became a family.

5. Favorite Couple?

Well, it used to be Luke and Mara, but now that Disney declared that those stories are no longer canon. . .I have to say Han and Leia❤️ They are just so enjoyable to watch. They love one other so much. They also can both be very funny. Han's sarcasm roguish charm mixed with Leia's wit and elegant leadership just works perfectly together.

6. Light Side or Dark Side?

Light Side!

7. What Color Lightsaber?

Green, like Luke's lightsaber in Episode 6.

8. Who Shot First?

Lol, Han shot first😂


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