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I was tagged by lovergirl217! Thanks!💜
Okay let's get started:)

1. Hair color: Dark Brown with red highlights. (Completely natural)
2. Eye color: Brown with a little bit of dark green and gold specks.
3. Favorite book: Phantom of The Opera🌹
4. Antique Pink and Antique Blue.
5. Last song heard: Dancing On The Ceiling - Lionel Richie.
6. Favorite animal: Dog or elephant.
7. Favorite smell: roses, tulips or summer rain.
8. Favorite song: Basically any R5 song lol.
9. Job/ what I want to do: I want to own a boutique.
10. Favorite game: Monopoly.
11. What I would do with a million dollars: travel the world.
12. Crush: No one at the moment.
13. Anime/TV crush: Tom Hughes💕
14. Favorite food: Pizza🍕
15. What I got for Valentines Day this year: Two chocolate hearts.
16. Whoever I think would win a battle easily: Luke Skywalker!
17. Best Friend: Alaura.
18. Tag five people:

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