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I was tagged by dankat4!

Here it goes!

Reading or Writing?

Probably reading because it's kind of my escape from reality. 📚❤️

Brothers or Sisters?

I have one sister and she is three years younger than me. 💕

Do you like swimming?

YES! I love swimming!

Eye color?

Dark brown with gold in the middle lol. No joke.

Favorite genre?

I love romance and fantasy.

LED or fluorescent?


Favorite actor/actress?

Hard to choose between Mark Hamill, Chris Evans or Grant Gustin lol. I just absolutely love them all! ❤️

As for favorite actress I would have to say Haley Atwell! She is so talented and beautiful in every way!💕💕

Best friend?

Her name is Alaura and we have been best friends since freshman year of high school. So that makes four years total that we've been literally inseparable lol :)❤️💕

How tall are you?

Lol I'm pretty short compared to other girls. I'm about 5'4.

Facebook or Wattpad?

Wattpad hands down. I don't have Facebook and I honestly don't want it. Not that it's bad, but I just don't need another thing in my life to distract me lol.

Do you like tags?

It depends. Down can be really boring and ask really stupid questions, but this one was pretty fun I'll admit:)

And now for the tags!!

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