Telling Him and The Engagement

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Raina's POV.

It was sometime in the afternoon and Raina was teaching Jedi History and Galactic Studies. This was usually Luke's class, but seeing as he was gone she had been teaching it.

"Because the Republic lacked the manpower that was important to fight. The Jedi of the Old Order offered their help in defending the galaxy. They became generals, commanders and captains of the Grand Army, which had been recently formed. The army consisted of Jedi and Clone troopers." She taught.

A padawan raised her hand. "Didn't the Clone troopers become Imperials?"

"Actually, they were already Imperials. Palpatine had secretly programmed them to, on his command, turn on the Jedi and to follow his orders. Some disobeyed him and allied with the Jedi, but most did not." She explained.
"Now as I was saying, the Clone Wars went on for about three years. Some important names you will need to know-"

Suddenly she cut off her sentence.

A unmistakable presence was coming to the door. Excitement filled her.

"Master?" Jacen spoke up, bringing her attention back o the class.

"Oh! Yes! Uh. . .Some. . .important names that you will need to remember from the Clone War are General Kenobi, General Windu, Master Yoda, General Skywalker, Senator Amadala, Count Duku, Chancellor Palpatine and General Grievous."

Just then the automatic door opened and Luke appeared from behind it. The students turned to see who it was and immediately became excited. Luke eyes met Raina's and they both smiled.

She looked back to the class and stood. "I think we'll cut class short today. We'll continue this tomorrow. You are dismissed for the day."

The padawan all stood and bowed as she did the same. As the students walked out the door the door they bowed to Luke and expressed their happiness to see him. Once they were all gone the two locked eyes.

"I told you I would be fine." She smiled.

Luke pushed himself away from the door frame and entered. "Couldn't have done it better myself."

"How was the mission?" She asked.

"It went well. There were some unexpected situations, but it went well." He answered walking to stand in front of her.

"Situations? What kind of situations?" She asked, now slightly worried.

Luke shook his head, but finally relented. "Our last destination was Tatooine." He started.

Raina's mouth made an o shape.

"It was unexpected and I tried to stay emotionally detached, but when we were leaving I felt pulled."

"Pulled where?" She asked him.

"To my home. Where I was raised. I visited the farm and it was a mess. Destroyed by the Imperials and in part by scavengers. Then I visited my aunt and uncle's graves." He explained.

Raina leaned back against her desk, listening to him.

"It was then that I realized that. . .I had never truly grieved their deaths and I hadn't even forgiven them. I had this anger built up inside me. Anger towards my uncle especially. Even as a young boy I never appreciated all that they did for me. The home and family they gave me. For the first time in a long while I actually missed them. And. . .I cried." He admitted.

"Oh, Luke." She whispered.

"You know, Yoda was right. I was looking away so much as a kid that I didn't even stop to notice what I had in front of me."

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