The New Republic

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Raina's POV.

Luke, Raina, Han, Leia, Chewie and the droids had gotten back to the fleet. It had been about three weeks and the station was bustling. Since the New Republic was in the middle of being established, Mon-Mothma and the other leaders had kept everyone busy. Leia was the busiest of everyone. Mon-Mothma had her making calls to other systems and planets, negotiating and planning. She was in meetings all the time with senators and other leaders.

Now that Han was a general he was kept busy as well, meeting with the other generals, coming up with plans on how to storm planets and get a new government in place. He complained about it, but Raina could tell that he enjoyed the feeling of leadership.

Luke was always doing something. Since he was Mon-Mothma and the other leaders's most trusted officer and since he was now a full Jedi, Luke was being called to meetings continuously. He complained quite a bit about it, saying how most of the meetings were for political leaders not Jedi. He hated politics, but when Mon-Mothma ask him to be there he would respectfully agree.

Raina asked him one time why he agreed if he hated it so much. He answered saying that if having a Jedi there gave them a feeling of security and hope then it was all the better for it. So he would go and sit through the meetings listening and giving some advice when needed. She was proud of him.

Raina was kept running as well. She was promoted to Commander after the battle of Endor and now commanded her own squad. It was exciting, but also lonely. She was usually on the other side of the station in the landing bay while three others were in meetings and what not.

Raina missed seeing everyone, she knew things would someday slow down, but was very impatient. She hadn't seen Luke for weeks and hadn't even been able to start her training. She knew that she needed to be patient, but she would fall into being impatient more times than not.

The one person she was able to see and get to know better was her good friend Wedge. He was a commander of his own squad as well and spent a lot of time in the landing bay. Today was special though and Raina would soon find out why.

Raina was in the landing bay, working on her x-wing when she heard a beeping. She rolled out from under the belly of her x-wing and saw Artoo. She smiled at the droid. She stood up and wiped her hands off of the grease.

"Hey Artoo. What're you doing here? Shouldn't you be with Luke?" She asked.

"He is." A voice answered.

Raina's face lit up. She looked up and saw Luke walking to her.

"Luke!" She exclaimed.

He walked to her with a wide smile.

"What are doing here? I haven't seen you in days." She said.

Luke nodded. "I know and that's the reason I'm here. I wanted to see you." He grinned.

Raina tilted her head at his comment. It was sweet, but they both had agreed to stay friends until her training was done, which meant no expression of any emotion or affection.

"That's sweet, but I thought-"

Luke's eyes widened and he interrupted her. "No Raina, that's not what I. . .I just missed my best friend." He smiled.

Raina smiled back. "Oh. Okay. Well, I've missed you too. A lot." She added.

He looked at her and hugged her.

She giggled. "Luke your gonna get grease all over you."

He laughed and pulled away. "I don't care."

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