Chapter 1: Intro-Graduation

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Since this is my first book and I'm working really hard on, I need encouragements. I hope you enjoy reading it and encouraging me as much as possible. AND PLEASE VOTE, it really helps me get better and want to write more. Each and every vote I get motivates me and pushes me to continue writing the chapters and even edit and do the best I can, I really appreciate you guys, and thank you for choosing and starting to read"Sharon's Break-Up" the book is so full of adventures and through the chapters you'll live in Sharon's experiences and everything. And again and again, thank you for choosing my book to read :)
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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 1

Here I am, in the middle of the crowd, clueless, and here he is, the insanely good-looking Josh.

It was high school graduation and everyone around was taking pictures and some were crying, knowing they'd miss school, and others were just laying there with their parents by their side.

I was just standing there with Kate gossiping, since my parents never came to any of my school events, only when I was in kindergarten.

   In fact, my parents were separated when I was in elementary, and it really sucked, my mum was always in a temper, and barking.. but then they got back together and everything was better, but they were always fighting, like all the time.

   Besides, they just moved to New York City like a year ago, leaving Kate and I all alone in our-used-to-be family house.

  Luckily, I didn't have to be grounded and not go to parties and all that, but sadly, it felt like we didn't have a family at all, like we were adopted then our adopters decided to leave us since we're not good enough, so we lived all alone in a lonely yet fun house, but still, I miss us as a family.

I kept watching Josh, probably the whole time, I like seeing him happy, we're like Romeo and Juliet.

    We've known each other since elementary but I never knew I'd fall for him, he was always there for me in my hardest times, even though we were still kids, but when I thought my parents were almost getting divorced, I was kind of depressed, but he always had the power to cheer me up.

    We've been like that for years, that's why I like calling us Romeo and Juliet, the love story that started since elementary, although I kind of hated his bossy attitude back then's love, I couldn't deny the fact that I did really love him so much back then.

   It was so cute yet funny, I remember almost killing a girl because she tried to hug him.
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"Wake up babe!" Josh shouts while hitting me on the arm, as I'm not an easy person to wake up.

"C'mon it's like lunch time already and you're still asleep!" He noted while pulling my arm so I'd finally wake up.

"Fine fine, good morning, Joshyy!" I shout sounding already annoyed and still sleepy at the same time , making sure he knew I woke up. I looked drunk, with my messy hair and half open eyes. I  followed him outside while still looking drunk and facing the ground, while walking like a battery-low robot.

He turned to face me with his piercing blue eyes and I stared right through them, then he tightly gave me a hug with his arms wrapped around my waist which felt so warm and comforting.

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