Chapter 16: Love Confess

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 16

  I still froze there staring at his piercing blue eyes, "I love you too!" I admitted while looking at him.

   He slowly kissed me and now the thoughts of Josh kicked in, he kept kissing me, and then I stopped him, "we should get back to them, they'll think something's going on, you know."

   "Yeah sure" he replied while holding my hand back to where we were and I could see Mason and Ashley kissing in the corner of the bed, while was sitting on the couch holding his phone.

   "Killin' it girl!" I Shouted when they were done kissing.

   "Let's go to my room, and let the boys talk all they want" she said while leading me out of the room and into her room which was super close to ours.

   "How did it go with Ethan?" she demanded while smiling.

   "We kissed and he confessed his love" I said while acting a bit shy.

   "Yay, I'm so happy for you!" She admitted.

   "How long have you known each other?" She questioned.

   "Almost two weeks" I replied.

   "Wow!" She responded with a surprised face.

    "It's been three weeks since I've known Mason" she replied.

     "I ship you guys, Mashley!" I quickly invented a ship name.

     "Ash, do you like pop music?" I asked hoping she'd say yes since we have mostly everything in common.

   "I love pop music, it's my favorite type!" She is agreed.

    "Twinzo!" I shouted while hugging her in excitement, finally I found someone just my type, everyone would like some other type more than pop.

We continued talking about going on double dates and about how the rest of the year would go.

I stayed over in her room since the boys were staying in my and Ethan's room.

- - - - - -

A month passed and studying started getting harder and I was really doing my best, since we had a test this Thursday.

I spent most of the time in computer lab searching stuff on google and other times I'd be studying in the library or reading books there.

Christmas was two months away and I couldn't wait to get back and spend time with Kate, I miss her so much, and I miss our daily Chinese noodles and Shadow h
Hunters routine.

"You awake?" Ethan asked while looking at me.

"Yeah I am" I replied sounding confused.

"Good, it's 5 and the class today starts at 8" he assured.

"Woah, 8?" I demanded in a confused way.

"Yeah, the teacher postponed it for today, didn't you get a text?" He asked.

"I didn't really open my phone yet, but okay I don't mind. i can sleep for two hours" I admitted.

"I didn't really get any sleep yet" I replied.

"Why?" He asked sounding worried.

"I just miss my sister and... my parents whom I haven't seen in years" I admitted.

I got several texts from Kate this morning since she was worried I didn't text her the past few days.

I told her already that me and Ethan are together but she was still confused, how did I suddenly move on..

"I saw Josh this morning, he was with a girl, called Samantha" she texted.

I did have to admit I cared, but I didn't know he'd easily start hanging out with her when I'm, I mean he sounded like he'd never date anyone after me and now here he is..

"I honestly don't care anymore, I'm dating.." I replied, I actually forgot I haven't talked with Ethan about Josh and what happened but I hate talking about it, it makes me feel bad about myself and how we both waisted a high school love story like ours..

We're dumb, I know.

"He asked me about you.." She replied.

"I told him that you're with someone and that you moved on, he was about to cry but he left immediately" she added.

I don't want to think about him anymore, not every time I try to forget him, something or someone reminds of him, the fact is, every time I hear the name Josh, even if it's someone else, I remember everything, and I mean it, our memories, our old gold times and the thing that follows is the pain and ache I feel of losing someone like him..

I'll never ever find someone who'll love me like he did, not even Ethan.

"Shar, Let's go eat breakfast in the Cafeteria, I'm pretty sure you're starving" Ethan shouted in a hurry.

"I'm on diet these days" I teased.

"You were eating chips last night, except if it's part of your diet plan" he joked.

"Okay wait for me there, I'll pass by Ashley and come meet you there!" I assured.

"I'll be waiting there with the boys" He confirmed while quickly leaving.

I didn't know what to do in the room and I didn't my loneliness to get mixed with me haunted with Josh's memories.

I left rapidly and passed by Ashley and found Will on the way there, so we three walked to the Cafeteria to find Ethan and Mason waiting for us in a 5 seat table.

It was almost 7, and we didn't care, the class was still at 8, and the teacher doesn't really show up on time, so we be there early.

We all ordered different meals for breakfast and kept joking but not that much since the Class was almost about to start or started, we didn't really know. I have to admit that spending time with these guys did make me feel better, we did everything together for the last few days and I wasn't really thinking about Josh, I'd be lying if I said I'm over him, but I was confused, I didn't know what I was feeling.

We bolted to class, before the teacher walked in and pretended that we've been there earlier than the others.

The teacher started the lesson and I had to concentrate since the test was this Thursday and I had to get a good grade on it.

The class was done we all headed back to the dorm and I went over to Ashley's again today since I wanted to talk freely, I don't mean anything, but you know girl stuff..

The boys were in Ethan's side of the room today not mine, ad the place was quite messy the last time they stayed over, and I ended up cleaning the whole place by myself and not Ethan.

Ethan didn't stop paying me, even in the Cafeteria all day, everyday, and I still felt bad for him, why would he do that for me? Yeah i know he loves me but, it's too much beside the college money or if he payed it all, which I don't think he did, why is he waisting his pocket money on me..

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