Chapter 21: Almost Christmas

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 21

   Days went by pretty fast, and Christmas was almost there..

   I really couldn't wait, I wanted to see Kate badly, I text her like every day and I want to tell her all that's been going on face to face.

   "Sleepy head! You still sleepy, oh right.. you're sleepy head of course you're sleepy" He joked sarcastically.

"What do we do today?" He added with questioning eyes.

"I should probably go get Christmas Gifts for Kate and some friends" I stated while taking the cover off me.

"Same here!" He agreed, "when do you want to go there?"

"Umm, after an hour maybe" I informed while yawning, still sleepy.

     "Do you have any ideas for gifts or..?" He hesitated while short smiling.

      "It depends.. boy or girl?" I demanded.

       "Umm, I'm getting both, for my brother, sister and mum" he responded while checking the time on his watch.

       "How old are they?" I question, "I mean your brother and sister" I cleared out before he could answer.

        "Well, my brother is 16, not that young, and my sister 11" He announced.

"Interesting" I declared, while smiling.

"I can help with the girl stuff, but I don't think I can actually aid in the boy stuff" I reassured with a giggle.

"Can we go eat breakfast somewhere?, Im literally starving right now" He admitted while putting one hand on his stomach.

"Yeah we should, but we'll need Will's guidance, we know nothing here" I burst while reaching to the door knob.

"Uh, yeah, we might get lost here" he admitted.

"Might get lost?" I repeated with a giggle, "We will get lost" I emphasized while pressing on the word lost.

      "We'll reach out for Will then" he added with a short smile.

      "Yeah" I nodded, while heading to Will's room, with Ethan following me there.

       He was in the hallway, we saw him while bumped into him while making our way to his room.

        I really feel bad for Will, he's kind of depressed, both of his parents died in an accident and must've been extremely hard for him to handle..

        "Hey yo guys!" He exclaimed while smiling at us.

        "What's up Will?!" We both asked with the same tone.

        "Look Will, we needed your guide in something" I cleared.

        "Yeah sure, anything" he replied.

        "So we wanted to get Christmas gifts, you know, for our friends and stuff, where shall I go?" I questioned, while not mentioning the word family..

         "Umm, there's a place nearby, I can drive you there" He assured while looking around then facing us.

         "That'll be great, thanks for the offer man" Ethan thanked while friendly-hitting his back.

         "Let's go now!" I shouted in enthusiasm.

        We made our way to the car, and got inside, then Will started driving without playing any music.

        The car stopped and we knew we were there, "Here it is!" He exclaimed while pointing at store hidden behind trees and seeming so quite.

       We stepped out of the car and walked towards the store, it was called "Rosez" It's kind of a strange name, and funny at the same time.

       "Hello!" A man greeted from the counter. So we replied back then looked around.

       Even though the place didn't look that huge from outside it really was!

      It had umm, uncountable cute mugs and some minor statues and stuff perfect for a Christmas gift.

       "Can I help you?" The man demanded from behind us while examining our faces for a second.

      "No thanks!" We nicely respond.

     I chose a white mug, with black roses on it, and a "Taurus" word written on it, which was Kate's horoscope.

     Then I tried to find something suitable for Noah, I found a car statue with snow laying on it, it looked great, so I quickly placed it in my shopping Cart, them headed to the counter.

     I made it to the counter before Ethan even found out I was already paying, because if he knew, he'd end up paying for me like always.

      "Can you wrap them for me please?" I questioned with a sweet smile.

      "Yes ofcourse" he responded, while slowly starting to wrap the gifts and raising his glasses.

       "Cool, that's just so cool, you think you're getting away with that?" Ethan teased while looking at my getting-wrapped gifts.

       "I don't see a reason to not get away" I giggle while picking up the wrapped gifts, and heading to the car.

       I stood by the car, then he finally showed up, "here are you 20$" he handed me my money.

       "Not again Ethan, c'mon, you're not paying for me again, not even for my sister and brother" I growl while dragging the 20$ in my pocket.

        "Is that your way of saying thank you?" He demanded sarcastically.

        "In fact it is" I reply while raising in eyebrow and smiling.

       We got in the car while Will drove us back to the dorm, the streets here were busy somehow yet peaceful I don't how, but it's true.

       I walk out of the car, and make mg way upstairs before Ethan does.

       I throw myself on the bed then I hear footsteps at the door, whom I realize are Ethan's.

      "You forgot something" he says while handing me the gifts and giggling.

       "Oops" I mutter, while putting the gifts in my back pack safely, making sure nothing will break in here.

       "So Sharon.." he hesitates without continuing.

       "Yes..?" I sound confused watch his eager eyes sparkle.

        "You live in Boston, huh?" he demanded while facing me.

         "Yeah I do, why?" I ask in a confused tone.

         "You live a-alone?" He utters while raising both his eyebrows and opening his eyes widely.

         "Uh, no, with sister" I respond, why is he acting like a detective right now, I thought to myself..

         "And who's...who's" he doesn't continue and looks down at the ground.

        "Who's who?" I question while waiting for a response..

        "Who's Josh Walker?" He continues while raising his head to face mine.

       "He's..uh..he's " I couldn't complete the sentence and blink back a river of tears ready to stream down.

       "My ex" I swallowed.

       "You had an ex..why did you lie to me?" He questions while watching my emotions change.

        "I...I..uh" I didn't continue, if i did I'll break into tears, and he'll keep asking about my past with Josh and I'm definitely not doing that.. not now..not in a million years.

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