Chapter 14: Netflix and Chill

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 14

We decided to watch anything on Netflix, I loved the wifi here it was pretty fast, we turned on the tv since I already downloaded the Netflix app on it, It was easy to go search any movie/series, "Let's start a series together and watch episodes every night?" he demanded.

     "What series? I watch 50% of the best ones" I stated.

     "Well, Let's see what they have, I'm not a Netflix expert" he admitted.

     "Okay so, Orange is the new black, My babysitters a vampire, pretty little liars, shadow hunters, The vampire diaries, Insatiable, Riverdale" I suggested.

     "Orange is the new black sounds good" he replied.

     "Yeah I didn't watch it yet" I agreed.

   We started watching Orange is the new black and I could tell he was enjoying the first episode as I was, I loved how he would always agree on what I choose and stuff.

    "Okay finally the episode is over" he announced while turning to look at me so I quickly cut my stare.

    "Yeah, I liked it to be honest, we should watch an episode every night" I assured.

   "So what do we do now?" He questioned.

   "I think I should go sleep now" I admitted.

   "Yeah I was about to say that, it's almost 1 am" he agreed with me, while heading to his other side of the room which probably had the same stuff I had in my side except for my weird decorations.

    I headed to bed and tried to sleep, but my over thinking session kicked in, I started over thinking and getting confused, why was he super nice to me and cute at the same time? I  mean it didn't bother me but it kind of strange.

  He was acting as if he's into me or something, we didn't even spend than a week together and he's acting like that, and again it didn't bother me but I wasn't put through this since I fell in love with Josh..

  I also thought of how Josh would be feeling right now without and it kind of made me happy, because he put me through shit, other than all the good times we spent together, finding out he likes another really sucks.

   I fell asleep while thinking of Josh and guess what, i ended up dreaming about him.

  The dream was: I woke up in here, in that dorm room, and I went to the other side to wake up Ethan and someone else was there got up, it was Josh and he told me sorry babe I love you and I had to kill him.

   After that nightmare or i don't know what it is, I got up and rubbed my eyes in shock and went to check the other side to find Ethan changing so I quickly faced the ground and luckily he was in his boxer.

   "Oops sorry" i shouted, "It's no big deal, I'm only half naked and that's okay, I'm in my boxer" he joked.

   "Thought you'd be mad at me or something" I replied in a loud tone so he could here from the other side of the room.

   "I can never be mad at you" he replied in a cute way.

   I really don't get his weird behavior and I don't even know him that much, I mean yeah sure w did start talking a lot lately, it's been 6 days here and I'm pretty sure I started getting used to the place but not really.

   I really missed waking up and laughing all around Kate and then watching Shadow hunters and getting Chinese noodles for lunch, also I'll miss how she always cheered me up.

   "Are you okay?" He questioned while staring at me, "you've been like that for like 5 minutes" he added .

  "I'm fine, I just miss my sister" I replied while cutting my stare at the ground and facing him, his eyes are seriously the attractive I can't.

   "Then tell me how she treated you, and pretend I'm your sister but no really" He teased.

   "That sounds cool Sister Ethan" I joked while laughing along.

   "What will we do now?" He demanded.

    The college will start the lessons on August  10, and we're almost there, today's August 5.

    We had 5 free days left..

    "Umm we should prepare our school supplies, ughh i mistaken again, college supplies since we'll start in 5 days" I assured.

    "I also need to get some snacks since I won't be able to in studying days you know" I added.

    "Oh i totally get that, there's a stationary here which has dope supplies, and according the snacks there's a market near it which has all candies or snacks you'd ever want" He stated.

   "Wow!" I responded.

   "I know right, Chicago is amazing!" He quickly read my mind.

   "We should go now since we have nothing else to do here!" I responded.

   "But..." I hesitated before spitting it out.

   "But what?" He asked.

  "You're not paying for me again" I said while trying not sound weird.

  "No no that's not an option I'm always paying for you" he assured without waiting for me to agree.

  "Fine then" I responded.

  "Let's go.." he said while leading me outside knowing I'm already following behind him.

   We ordered Uber and he was already waiting outside and of course he'll pay for that too.

    We made our way to the stationary which was right near the market right as Ethan mentioned.

    We left the car after Ethan paid and the place was tremendous and I could see perfect looking supplies I'll need all the time.

    I got all I needed and raced to the counter before Ethan would come pay for me. "50 $ miss" The man demanded, "Here are the 50$" a familiar voice paid whom I realized was Ethan.

    "Come on, we made a deal Sharon" he reminded while looking at me pissed.

   "First of all you can call me Shar!" I teased.

   We walked to the market which wasn't that far and I got chips, popcorn,chocolates as for the candies and green apples, blue berries, Ras berries as for the fruits and... I didn't know what else to get, oh and the Cherios, I almost forgot and of course milk.

   I dashed to the counter following Ethan and started placing my items with his since he's already paying. I really didn't know why he wanted to always pay for me but it wasn't that bad at least I could save money to pay the rest of the college money.

   We headed back home and of course we started watching episode 2 of Orange is the mew black, as we made a deal to watch an episode every night at 9 pm so we could gather on my couch and watch Netflix on my Tv not his. Since he forgot the password for his account he gave up trying but he still pays every month.

    I grabbed pop corn before we started watching then I could see he raced me to the couch and we sat next to each other and started the episode, he probably finished half of my cheese popcorn but I had to forgive him since he was already paying for me all the time..

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