Chapter 3: Hiking

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 3

It was morning and I was getting ready for hiking as Josh planned yesterday, it was dumb but all I wanted was to have fun.

       "Good morning" Josh smiled at me.

     "Good morning Joshowee" I responded while laughing at the stupid childish nickname I just made up.

    "Aren't you going to get dressed?" I ask sarcastically.

    "I will right now" He answered confidently as if he's not missing a thing.

    "Hurry up, we'll have to get there early!" I noted sounding in a hurry.

    "I'm done, I'm done, let's go" he stated while heading to the door.

   He came in wearing a blank black t shirt and short jeans which looked perfect on him.

   We headed to the car and made our way to the hiking place.

    "So why do you like the idea of hiking so much?" he wondered with questioning eyes.

   "It's just, umm, I think it's different and fun, I mean the last time I went hiking was like when I was 11 or something" I replied while looking at the window.

   "So you're happy now?" He asked while staring on the road then, he turned to face me.

   "As long as I'm with you, I'm always happy" I quickly reassure.

   He put one hand on mine and his fingers were in between my fingers and I could feel heat through my fingers warming me.

    "You're the best thing that ever happened to me Josh, and again and again, I'll never hate the fact that I loved you" I assured him while staring at our tangled fingers.

     "And you, Sharon, you're the one reason I'm who I am" He summed it all up in a sentence.

   We arrived at the place and after parking we slowly made our way to the hiking, We started hiking and it was fun but kind of hard and my legs ached a bit but that's okay I'm used to that.

   We were done with the hiking and we kept thinking of what to do next.

   "Let's get back home by now and do anything then" he states while heading slowly to the car.

   We got back home and took a nap, we slept with his arms wrapped around me and my head laying on his chest.

- - - - - - - - - - -

It was early morning, I just woke up and Josh is still asleep but yesterday after the nap he's been acting weird and I don't know why.

"Did you get some sleep?" A voice questions from behind.

"Yes, yes, of course" I responded while rubbing my eyes.

I decided to go visit my family, who just arrived today from New york, I didn't see them for like 3 months or something other than Kate, I see her like all the time.

I called mom and told her that we can meet in any cafe, so she suggested that we could meet at Starbucks, as it was nearer to the airport.

I parked, then walked towards Starbucks, "Shar! my lovely girl" a voice calls from behind, then I could feel hands over my eyes not allowing me to see anything but black and darkness.

The darkness suddenly turns into light, and I turned around knowing it's mum, "oh my god!" I screamed while jumping over her and hugging her. "I missed you so much!" I burst while hugging her even tighter.

Kate and Noah emerge from the side and we greet each other, but not really since I was just with Kate yesterday but I barely see Noah, as he went to college in New york so he lives with mum and dad there and I'm here..with Kate.

We took a table for four and ordered coffee, "so how's Josh?" mum questioned while half smiling, "he's great" I quickly answer.

"You didn't fight or anything?"Kate teased, as she already knows all about us, me and Josh obviously.

"No, not really" I replied with a mean look on my face, not a serious one though.

"Yeah yeah, I see" she responded while giving me that sneaky creepy look of hers.

"That Josh of yours isn't working" Noah growled while staring at the table in anger.

Noah and Josh hate each other more than anything as they both had several fights before.
   Despite the fights, they never managed to get along together, so he doesn't like it when I keep talking about Josh, and he's still not convinced with the fact that we're dating, so whenever Josh's name pops up in any conversation he acts all weird and pissed off.

"Well, you both have problems it's not my fault" I growl,sounding already annoyed.

"I thought you came to see us not fight" He teases.

"Excuse me? I though you'd come see us not fight" I repeat teasingly.

"Guys, okay okay, change the subject and stop fighting" mum interrupts.

We all stopped arguing and sat silently sipping our coffee and holding our phones.

We thought about going somewhere else for lunch, so I took Kate with me in the car, and headed to Burger king, which wasn't that far.

"Why the hell did Noah it all again against Josh" Kate interrupts the silence in the car.

"This thing bothers me a lot, I mean my brother and my boyfriend hate each other and they couldn't get along and I'm supposed to solve their problems" I barked, while gripping the steering wheel firmly.

"You know Noah" she replied with a
thank god he didn't do more than that type of tone.

"He doesn't want to get along either" I respond, while trying to focus on the road.

"Just..we don't really need to care about their problems, they can get along or solve those problems themselves" She answered while looking in the window.

"What if they accidentally bumped into each other, they'll fight?" I questioned while turning to face her.

"Definitely" she joked while we both laughed a long.

Kate and I waited for Mom and stupid Noah to arrive, honestly Noah acts all childish when we talk about Josh, it really suck!

Finally I see two Mercedes cars emerge and they're mom's and Noah's.

We enter and take a table for four then we start checking the menu to see what we can order, I love burgers so much that I could order the whole menu even if I haven't tried them before.
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