Chapter 33: Joshwee

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 33:

   Without even waiting a milli-second,  I started dashing my way outside, and running without my brain even functioning.

    I realized my feet were taking me to our house (me and Josh), I raced upstairs with thoughts spinning in my head and a smile filling my face.

    My heart was beating so fast, and I couldn't even stop myself from smiling, he...protected me..he protected Boston.

    I knocked on the door while taking a deep breath, and he opens..

    His eyes, they were blood-shot looking, they were puffy and looking tired, his eyelids were watery and tears rolled down his cheeks onto the ground.

    I quickly put my arms around his neck without even thinking and pressed my lips against his, I missed this so much, I kissed him...without even uttering a word.

    "Shar..sharon" he said softly while breathing shakily.

    "Shh, I love you" I whispered, while putting a finger on his lips, and stopping him from continuing. Then I hugged him tight with happy tears watering my eyes...

    I never really moved on...I didn't even try!

     He lead me to the couch and I laid my head on his chest, while he wrapped his arm around me.

     "That's what I've been keeping from you, If I had ever gotten the chance or If I actually could tell you, I would've done it..." he paused while taking a deep breath.

     "But I couldn't, we both would've been dead if I told you, I don't even care about myself, I could die, but I don't want you to, and If anyone else knew about that case, they'd be dead by now, she was dangerous, she was a killer, a drug dealer..a thief..everything awful..she was after your family..." he announced while putting a few strands behind my ear.

    "Every second in each and every day, I was hurting.." he stated.

    "Me too" I interrupted his statement.

     "Sharon you'd never understand what I went through to keep you safe, and that's all because I love you, and whatever I said to Samantha...I was forced to, but I never meant any..I swear, every second of each and every day, I was hurting, I was hurting badly, I never wanted you to go through shit because of me, because deep down I wanted to spit that secret out and I needed you by my side, but spending a month or two saving the one you better than spending your whole life crying over them, and at last those two months you spent saving them..will keep that person alive and safe by your side.." he stated, while wrapping his arms tighter..

  I missed the warmth of his arms, I missed all of it, and I knew something was wrong with me in the past year,it was missing him..

   And now, I'm in his arms again and I don't want to ever let go of's's always been him, we're meant to be, that's why we found our way back together.

    "I'll never ever leave you again, I promise, you're the one I love and I'll never ever find anyone like you Josh...ever" I admitted while resting my head on his chest with comfort and wrapping my arm too.

    "You'll always be mine, and I'll make sure of it!" He stared at me with his ocean eyes, the type you never get tired of looking at at, cause you get lost while looking through them..but what you see in them, is love and passion.

    "Now want to get some pizza?" He teased while still staring at my face.

    "I'd love to" I chucked, while holding his hand and racing down stairs.

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