Chapter 31: Proposings and Ice cream

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 31

   I walked back to out table and they were all already done with their sushi.

   "Want to go get ice-cream?" Dad questioned with excited looking wide eyes.

   "We'd love to!" Noah and I shouted at the same time.

"Yeah same" Kate shouted while placing her phone right in front of her and turning to face all of us.

"Cheque please" Dad ordered.

The cheque came, dad put the money in it and left the change.

We all headed out immediately after the waiter took the cheque, then we all got in the car, and I took my headphones out, which were buried in my back pocket.

I then played some pop music playlist on our way to the ice-cream farm.

The farm had some goats in wide garden, and they had freshly made ice-cream, which was luscious.

I mean the fact that they have freshly-made ice cream is inviting..

"Here we are!" Dad announced while pulling up and parking.

I took off my head phones and buried them back in the pocket, then I unlocked the door, unbuckled my belt and walked balanced on both feet, and waited for them all to walk right out of the car.

When they were all finally out, I followed Dad's lead and walked to the line.

It was around like 6, so it was pretty crowded, not that much..but there were a lot of people, specially families.

Finally, it was our turn to order, "3 cookies n' cream with sprinkles, 2 Nutella chocolate" Mum ordered while reaching for her wallet.

"30$" the man announced, while mum got out a 20 and a 10 and gave them to him.

After minutes, he handed us our ice cream, and I happily started eating it slowly in order to enjoy each taste.

We sat down watching little kids feed goats and all the goats running around..

I played some relaxing music while sitting in peace and eating my cookies n' cream ice-cream.. and we all were sitting in silence, no one uttered a word.

"Shar" kate called in a hushed tone.

"Yes?" I replied while turning to look at her.

"I have a date after an hour with Zac, and if we stay here longer then.." she announced.

"C'mon guys time to go" Dad shouted while standing up and heading to the car.

"See" I smiled at her.

We all went back home and Kate changed into another outfit since she's going out with Zac.. she had to look insanely hot..even though Zac sees the beauty in her even her flaws..she still likes to be super attractive..

"Bye mum, bye dad, be back at 10" she shouted while walking towards the front door and finally walking out.

"So Shar, can we talk?" Noah demanded.

"Yeah but not here..definitely" I agreed while heading to my bed room.

"Okay what is it?" I questioned curiously.

"Its about you not me..." he hesitated while he looks at me with that sneaky look.

"Are you and Josh okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah totally" I lied.

"No, I can tell when you're lying Shar" he caught me, while smiling that I caught you smile.

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