Chapter 29: Family

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𝔠𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 29

    We finished eating, and talked for a while about of life and all, then we all headed back home.

I passed by Dunkin' Donuts, and got a box of 12, and made sure most of the donuts I picked were red or white or even Santa clause.

Kate was ringing me up, so I took the call and told her that I got some donuts on the way back and that I'll be there in 5.

I played some Charlie Puth songs on my way back, and couldn't think about anything else but seeing my parents tomorrow's like I haven't seen them in forever.

It'll be a bit awkward that Josh isn't around, and I haven't told any of them that we broke up yet, so I'll just save it till they get here and eventually I'll spit it out..even though I don't want to.

     I handed the box of donuts over to Kate, and then pushed the door wider and walked in.

     "Hey there" she smiled then placed the box on the kitchen table.

    "Uh, hey" I replied while staring at the ground.

    "What is it?" She questioned while walking towards the couch and sitting next to me with that worried look.

    "It's just.." I hesitated while turning to face her.

"My life is a mess, I don't know all!" I replied.

"Why?" She questioned still sounding worried yet curious.

"So of course when they come tomorrow, they'll ask about him..Josh..and I'll just lie like a complete idiot and say we're fine!" I shouted while wiping a tear which rolled over my cheek.

"I mean..I'm kind of moving on..but the fact that he's not even a friend anymore sucks" I added while looking the other direction and staring right at ground again.

"Well yeah it sucks, but damn it girl, it's his loss, never ever yours, you didn't deserve him, not even as a friend, now get up go take a shower and we'll talk about that later, you should have fun!" She responded while pushing me in order to go take a shower and forget about it.

"I think you're right" I admitted while walking over to the room.

At that moment, I really thought of how lucky I am to have a sister like her, who'd always care for me no matter what. The fact that, some sisters are always jealous of each other in fighting is awful, sisters are supposed to always support and aid each other, all the time, not fight and get jealous..

I quickly took a shower, then headed out to find Kate already cleaning and putting their Christmas presents all around the tree.I almost forgot giving her the gift I bought from Chicago..but I had a better plan for that.

"Need any help?" I questioned while watching her place all gifts around the tree in a perfect way.

"Yeah actually" she replied while standing up and looking at me.

"Put some plates and cups on the table, and place the Donuts box in the middle..they'll be here early" she assured while walking to the kitchen.

I started putting the plates and cups in order, then finally I put the Donuts box in the middle.

"Perfect!" She shouted.

"Now what do we do?" She added while putting her hands on her waist.

"We should a movie"' I replied while looking at the tv.

"Yeah, what movie?" She demanded.

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